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Messages - UltraSmooth

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General / Investigation for community transparency - Dio
« on: Yesterday at 11:13:03 am »
Some fellow posted this thread and within 1 day the accused @Dio left the team.,21203.0.html

It seems like something is fishy going on and we would like investigation to be persuaded by Mike in order to uncover what just happened in last 24 hours.

I would request my fellow brothers and sisters to not spam this thread and keep it open as we would be awaiting staff stance on this issue.

Go fill a forum complaint if you believe I am toxic ;)

Also can any admin warn this player for useless posting in a complaint he's not involved? @Dani. maybe?

Stop tagging admins uselessly, Dani got life to deal with, he is not a nolifer like you that either play SAMP or Dota 24/7.

Regarding rules, rule states that "Do not comment anything that doesn't add useful to the complaint". Silenthunter reply adds much thing useful to this report as are coming to know about your toxic nature.

I won't be replying anymore as I believe S0biet history isn't that much good with players around here and admin mind taking strict action against x4x for spreading toxicity and making false complaints.

Munna out.

Frist, I don't know how you define toxicity cause you too are toxic, reporting people for every silly reason is also being toxic, matter of fact most of your reports are declared invalid and your reports against me didn't got me a single warning or infraction.

Second, look at your discord profile picture and forums profile picture, that is also being toxic.

Third, even when I am not talking to you, here you are poking your nose around and provoking me to say something after which you will obviously cry here on forums.

I agree with that, his profile picture is also mocking you lol and x4x spamming forum complaint section one after the other just because someone argued with him on forums lol.

He really needs to touch grass.

you're just mad because u didnt scam any of the kids on the server for $100mil mansion.

"Current bid: $85M" or check my signature for what some no lifers going extent to.

This guy came back to forums with all the random bullshit, after beging and sucking Moody's / Karbz's dick to get unbanned from forums. Wonder how are u aware of everything thats "happening" ? as much as i know ur banned from in-game + forums + discord. Witch alt account u using ?

He is exposing staff unfairness which is great to be honest. I would love to see Ralsei in staff team so atleast we get some fairness in that table.

Get the f&ck away. Nobody likes you.

This community (what's left of it) doesn't need such people like yourself.

Nice toxic reply and you expect others to not call you "no lifer"? lmfao.
Get a life and touch some grass.

Munna out.

You literally search through my profile and took screenshot of all replies of last year lmfao.

No wonder why people call you no lifer.

My response

(click to show/hide)

Unofficial crews / Re: TheBloods
« on: May 30, 2024, 03:03:08 pm »
I am more curious how your sweet crew is still alive since everyone from it either got banned and/or punished for serious stuff at some point, and they bring nothing but toxicity to this community (just look at yourself).,20645.0.html,20507.0.html,20378.0.html,20946.msg100235.html#msg100235,20378.msg97578.html#msg97578,20062.0.html,19860.0.html,19933.0.html,19793.0.html,19262.0.html,18798.0.html,19859.msg95313.html#msg95313,19670.msg94444.html#msg94444,19669.msg94441.html#msg94441,19668.msg94440.html#msg94440,19599.msg94154.html#msg94154

Also check this out:,17349.0.html,19229.0.html,19421.0.html,20221.0.html,20156.0.html,20680.0.html

I can find more topics if you want me to.

I ain't going to answer to all of your bs but considering your GMT +1 (mine is GMT +2) and you being online almost daily between 10am and 2am (you read that right) means you are just a hypocrite and I quote:

Thank you for reading this!

Imagine searching forums to retrieve each and every report. Literally dude, touch some grass. Complete no lifer.

@Mike this is serious allegation, how come already kicked staff again joined the staff team through a fake name? No wonder, we never saw @Dio in game too.

I would not be surprised if some managers are involved in hiring him through fake name to staff team. We want transparency in this regard and complete investigation.

General / Re: Family jokes are allowed
« on: May 30, 2024, 02:20:47 pm »

Grow up.

If I play 10 hours a day and got 30k score only after reset, you must be playing 24 hours a day lmfao? You breaking nolifying record.

Approved Appeals / Re: 1 day discord mute??
« on: May 30, 2024, 01:11:02 pm »
I never knew @Dio is overdoz lmfao. What a nice hiring, no wonder why playerbase reduced from 90 to 20.

General / Re: Family jokes are allowed
« on: May 30, 2024, 11:53:08 am »
You should stop complaining about everything, you will just put useless stress on yourself.
Says a guy with100k+ score to a guy with 30k+ score.

I got better life son, take care of yourself.

General / Re: Family jokes are allowed
« on: May 29, 2024, 04:25:56 pm »
If "you change fathers very often" is not counted as family insult the I guess It is.

Ralsei clean player version 2.0

General / Family jokes are allowed
« on: May 29, 2024, 02:24:15 pm »
Our staff is very nice in creating their own rules. As per Dani, family jokes are allowed in the server.

Highly supported, so many toxic people disturbing gameplay through discord chats.

Denied Complaints / TB clan family jokes as usual
« on: May 27, 2024, 04:10:42 pm »
Regarding this complaint,21134.msg101517/topicseen.html#msg101517

Can you zoom in screenshots and see if the below sentences do not fall under rule "No family jokes allowed"?

@Dani. if you still think the above do not count as "Family jokes" then please request higher admin to look into this. Thanks

Accepted Complaints / Re: Ninja-Jack
« on: May 24, 2024, 10:52:43 pm »
He did this to me once too but all I have is ss
I didn't know there was such a glitch.

Make a separate complaint? You sharing SS from 2 months ago for which I might be warned already? Also before making false complaint, atleast check yours logs

If I cancelled entering in your car then how it is even ninja jack?

Denied Complaints / Re: Sobiet aka x4x toxicity and provoke
« on: May 24, 2024, 02:55:52 pm »
@suixide in past many complaints got resolved and players were punished for similar reasons. Check these out,21016.0.html
and there are many others.

Plus, just in case if you don't know of particular rule or how to deal with complaint, there is no need to spam forums and keep denying complaints lol, you can always request for higher rank to look into it.


Denied Complaints / Sobiet aka x4x toxicity and provoke
« on: May 24, 2024, 02:50:11 pm »
I want this complaint to be reopened and assessed by manager or admin with some experience atleast.,21112.msg101300.html#new

I think moderator is not aware that we can not use /ign on discord users. Plus "provoke" means someone who started the argument first, not someone who kept replying to him and I really don't know if saying "don't spam" even counts as "kept replying".

If someone provoke you and abuse you for no reason then I don't think that's even drama.

Ideally moderators should not handle complaints as they have no experience lol.

Accepted Complaints / Re: Ninja-Jack
« on: May 24, 2024, 02:46:00 pm »
What? How can someone ninjack you if you're driving vehicle? Ninjack is not a feature that anyone can use on anyone driving vehicle? lmfao

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