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Messages - Bromine

Pages: [1]
Confirmed Bugs / Securicar Glitch
« on: June 22, 2023, 02:41:08 pm »
I found a glitch today where when you, as a police officer, enter a securicar by pressing G, and then when the option of "Press W to drive the vehicle" pops up and you press W, you can actually steal the securicar as a police officer. Hope someone looks into this issue and fixes this glitch.

Rejected Suggestions / Dodo Race
« on: February 05, 2023, 04:59:31 am »
I sadly came to know that air combat wasn't possible due to technical limitations yesterday. So I thought a replacement for that. How about the admins host an event where all the players race in dodos (the slowest plane) and whoever enters a specific corona in a certain place on the map wins. Or the players can fly around a specific path and make laps. The first player to do certain number of laps wins.

Implemented Suggestions / Air combat
« on: February 04, 2023, 04:34:45 pm »
Admins should host an event where every player gets rustlers or hydras (if they get added to the game) and players do air-to-air combat. The event should take place in a place with obstacles as well, so as to make it difficult for the players to kill each other airborne. May the best combat pilot win!!!

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