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Messages - Emmad24

Pages: [1]
Hello as this server mike cops and robbers is the best server i have ever played but some more things should be added to this server to make it perfect like: 1. Voice chat system as i have seen voice chat in other server as well so it will make it better. 2. Working Mobile phone should be added to make
 it perfect. 3. More type of jobs and buisness should be also added. 4. Many of new players are not able to play because there are many most wanted players and they are free to kill anyone and that should be stop only kill that time if there is serious situation police should also not directly kill them should say them to stop and arrest them most wanted killing anyone should get fined. 5. In bank if anyone do robbery should have a hostage with him and to get out of bank they should first handle the situation with police then get outta bank. 6. New types of bank . 7. There should be elections and a presedent should be choosen no more then 500k shod cost to come in elections. 8. We should also pay tax. 9. If presedent is not good so people should vote to remove him. 10. Gang system should be there but not all time gangs should fight they can be together and do illegel work. ... Thank you

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