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Messages - Fac[e]

Pages: [1]
Rejected Suggestions / Re: Cops pay medical fee when they die
« on: August 05, 2022, 10:19:12 am »
Smoking won't affect my child

11 years later:

Or iF uR SMarT yoU Rob thE Bank whEN thE TIme iS riGHt... ye ok buddy ill rob 13k wait 10 minutes just so i can rob it again. are u actually listening to urself ? nigga thinks ill spend my day robbing bank for 10 hours and lose all i gained the second i die

now.. since ur sucking hank's dick u think i got time to learn every stunt just so i can escape from cops ? im not really into running for 20 minutes and armoring my car ( thats like 10k-12k) just so i can fun lmao

bruh.. ur saying u fish with friends , even tho most of the times ur teaming with ur cheating friends acting all tough when ur fighting legit bots.

and saying cops dont earn enough.well first of all u need to be good at the game to actually gain money (as a cop) meaning u need to go solo to earn all the xp and all the arrest wish ofc u lack because u suck. i get paid 30k-40k as a cop just from killing newbies and ur saying cops dont get paid. u dont get paid because u dont work like ur supposed to lmao.

now how about u realize thats cops are actually superior than civis instead of going around and pretending thats escaping from 10 cops that loses nothing once they die is easy

this man is a joke lmao

About the suggestion , I think current penalty system is fine , the only unbalanced thing is 50 cops running after a most wanted xd

Denied Complaints / Re: Bug abuse
« on: September 22, 2021, 10:19:41 pm »
I can clearly see your desperate attempts to overshadow my reply with your shitposting , literally shitposted within seconds of my reply  . It would be better if you stop hiding the truth and let admin take care of this.

Denied Complaints / Re: Bug abuse
« on: September 22, 2021, 10:13:44 pm »
As I have mentioned before as well , same vehicle can have different position for different persons depending on the situation , literally anyone who's playing samp for a considerable amount of time knows that and might have even experienced that , from my FOV helico fell down , but it was still there for you , if not then there is no way in the world that you managed to cancel that animation .

Also if you were desynced you could have just relogged but you tried to take advantage ,even tho you show no signs of desync / lag as we can see if he was lagging , he would have not been stuck in the first place not  even for seconds , but he was stuck under the effect of fire extinguisher for few seconds and then cancelled it using the bug which can prove he was perfectly synced , also  the place above the bridge was too narrow  and you were literally standing still ,  and  if we assume that you were desynced , it would have still worked .

You clearly abused the bug to cancel the animation and escape , only a kid can get provoked by a report ? Why would I cry over a bunch of kids that likes to ruin someone's fun for their own entertainment XD

Denied Complaints / Bug abuse
« on: September 22, 2021, 09:22:31 pm »
Your in-game nameFac[e]
Their in-game nameteca
Date & Time of incident (UTC)1:30 AM 9/23/2021
DetailsEverything is pretty clear , this guy knocked me down with the helico , but i managed to use a medical kit , later on he tried to land that helico over that bridge , you can see it fell off from the bridge for me atleast , but i'm pretty sure it was still there ( above the bridge) for him , this usually happens in SAMP ,same vehicle can seems to be in different position for different person. Later on i tried to use the fire extinguisher on him , but as you can see he was constantly pressing F  to enter the helico and cancel the effect of the fire extinguisher , he even shot me in that position . Clearly abused bug to get unstuck and get a kill on me  .
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

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