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Rejected Suggestions / Re: MONEY BAG ANIMATION
« on: May 25, 2020, 07:06:15 pm »
Why is it taking too long? What's the issue? Is it bugged?

If cops arrest you before you pick it up, then make sure there are no cops near you before you take it.

General / Re: The housing system!
« on: May 25, 2020, 04:56:11 pm »
The drug making I think could happen in-doors as well, possibly depending on the drug type. And yeah, you could make it a cop mission to find or go to a drug production place and do X things for a reward, but have a cooldown on it or a rare chance of happening.

Besides that, yeah I've heard of house parties happening, it's just not so relevant to buy a 600k+ house because of roleplay.

We need more stuff to do there, so THINK!!  :o

Approved Suggestions / Jail and arresting is pointless right now...
« on: May 25, 2020, 04:52:55 pm »

I want to suggest making jail a bit more forceful, in the idea that most of the time you'll have to sit through it.

Currently there are 4 ways of getting out of jail:
1. Breaking out of it, by yourself or with the help of a friend.
2. Waiting out the sentence till it completely ends our paying the bail after time is done.
3. Offering a bribe to nearby officer.
4. A nearby officer offering you a bribe.

Now, I think the first way, breaking out is really balanced right now, I've tested it plenty of times and it can fail quite a lot which is logical, because it's a police departament, not your kindergarden playground.
The second way, waiting out the sentence is also pretty fair, If I'm not mistaking max was 4 minutes, which is plenty and the bail amount is also good, no issues there.

The third and fourth way is what I think is a bit bullshit right now for multiple reasons.
The bribing system right now is better then it was before, cops can only offer/accept X bribes in X minutes, which prevents a bit of the issue.
But we still have a lot of times where some newbie kebab (middle eastern player most of the time that can't speak English at all and breaks a lot of the servers rules), just goes to the prisons and finds out he gets a whole 500$ for doing 1 commands and then just sits there (even waiting through the cooldown) and accepts bribes and lets all those murderers, child rapists out...
A fix for that would be to limit bribing off to only like rank 5 and above cops, because you can kind of compare to real life, usually the recruits aren't the ones taking the bribes, they wan't to show that they are good cops, it's the old dogs that know the streets that accept bribes.

That brings me to the next issue. When you arrest a crew of members or in general a group of players one of their friends just goes to the police, goes on-duty, releases all his friends, goes back off-duty. I talked to M3E6 about this and he said it shouldn't be possible after the next update, but that was a while ago already, so obviously it didn't get added. Either make it a rule or just don't let them do it script-wise, because that obviously shouldn't be possible.

One other thing I'd like to mention here is the criminal delivering system. As most of you know, if you deliver a cuffed criminal with your car to the police departament you'll get a pay bonus! Which recently got increased, thanks to Mike. I think it would be also a bonus if you made it that criminals get 1 less minute of jail time if they don't fight back and let cops deliver them, so it would be a handshake from both sides.

So to sum it all up:
1. Make it so only Rank 5+ cops can take bribes, so newbies don't release murderers and farm cash.
2. Don't allow friends or crew members go on duty to release their friends and then pop back off-duty. Makes jail completely pointless if everyone just gets let out isntantly.
3. Reduce criminal sentence if they cooperate with cops and allow the cops to deliver them to the police departament.

General / The housing system!
« on: May 25, 2020, 04:37:55 pm »
Hello, ladies and gentlemen.

As you know in Mike's Cops and Robbers we have a housing system, which let's you purchase 5 (corrected by @dudesdog ) houses, which can range from dirt, worn down trailers in Angel Pine all the way up to the biggest mansions in Vinewood. Which is an excellent idea! I personally think that's a real end-game goal, to have expensive houses.
If a player is inactive for over X time, the houses get sold off back to the server and the player gets refunded 50% of the houses price, I personally had a few houses over 700k+ back at the end of 2019, but don't have any of them anymore, which I believe was fair, since I really wasn't active back then.

But we're not here to discuss the inactivity of housing, we're here to discuss the functionality of housing!   :D

Houses can be used for:
1. Storing Money
2. Storing Guns
3. Spawning

1. Currently the economy is really fucked up and the servers management are aware of it and will be fixing it, we just don't know when or how exactly, but on the current system, storing money is completely pointless, because the only reason for doing it is to avoid taxes. The taxes currently only get applied to players above 10 million dollars in their bank accounts, which is quite a small percentage of the playerbase and even then are so minimal that you can earn the lost amount back mostly with your interest and a few bank robberies. Also if you store your money in the safe at your house, it can be stolen by other players in house robberies!

2. Moving on to the other thing, weapons. The only reason to place weapons in your safe would be if you were to spawn there without guns and then you can take them, but then why not just drive to the nearest ammunation on your way to do something? The other thing Mike thought of if you're being chased by cops, but I doubt you'll have the time to get weapons out your safe before getting arrested, most people still don't drive to their houses in the case of cops chasing, they prefer to try and outrun them in other methods, such as lag pitting, out speeding or just straight up killing the cops.

3. One roleplay related thing you can do at your house is house parties, I mean some might do them, in my 100+ hours of play, I haven't seen a single one, but I mean that's not a real gameplay reason to have a whole housing system in a server, because then you can name a million roleplay related things you can do in a house.

4. Robbing houses is a really good way to make money if you know the rich players who store their cash in the safes, so that's a good, fun activity to do. The normal items you take from the houses right now pay like utter shit in the current economy.

5. No one somewhat hardcore spawns at their house, it's most of the time quite far from the bank or other points of interests, if it's not then good job, you're using it perfectly.

So, this is all nice that I've written it, but that's just there to give those who don't know or don't care some information. The reason for the thread is to discuss what other things can be added (after fixing stuff like economy, rules etc. which are in the works) to the houses, to make them more practical and useful.

Recently I did the MCNR Development Survey on the google forms page and I noticed a very good idea, drug growing. I believe Mike and M3E6 being the devs they are could (again after the other stuff is fixed) add a drug system in which drugs give actual benefits and the exact place you would be able to grow/produce them would be your house. The bigger and more expensive the house, the more 'product' you can produce for you, your crew or to sell off to other players or the server. The more you would be able to make, the more expensive the process, the more drugs you get at the end.

I want your guys help to think of more similar additions that could be added to houses later in the future to make them more practical.

Implemented Suggestions / Re: Buff the Police
« on: May 25, 2020, 04:20:26 pm »
Tazer is balanced in terms of range, but I believe a few minor updates ago Mike made it so the same person can't be tazed 2 times in a row, with a 10 second time inbetween, I think this should be lowered to 5 seconds, because there are times where you go chase a crim on foot for 8 minutes to finally get a tazer on him and he just breaks out and the chase goes for another 8 minutes, bit annoying.

I honestly think the default cop cares are quite good. I base vehicles off of 2 things. Speed and survivability, I'm not sure on this, but set vehicles burn quicker then others (basing this off of /dl info), and the cruisers don't start burning all that quick and their handling and speed are quite good. The only cruiser I think is by default worse is the SFPD cruisers, but I don't think Mike has any power over them so it's just a thing you have to deal with.
There are the special high rank pursuit vehicles, which are cool, but truly do get destroyed quickly, I did suggest making high ranking cops be able to convert their civ cars to cop cars, which Mike said would be cool, but believes would be highly unbalanced due to everyone using them. I think if you make it only possibly from a set rank, it wouldn't be a big issue, since then I'd believe that you've earned it really.

Default police mavericks are shit, the Rustler (Plane with guns) and Seasparrow (Heli with guns) are cool to use, but quite impractical unless you have a dedicated ground team, because 90% of criminals cannot be shot to death, so they're big machine guns are only good to take out the cars, then you have to land and try and chase them on foot, which is utter shit, but that's mostly due to rules not the vehicles fault.

Currently the bribing is meh', Mike definitely made it a whole lot better since the last update, but I still think it should be limited a bit more in a realistic sense, let's say make bribes only possible for officers of rank 6 and above.

Regarding cops working together, I mean it happens not a whole lot, but it's out of Mikes control, I believe as there will be new players, more cop players, thus more teaming.

Rejected Suggestions / Re: New idea for event!
« on: May 25, 2020, 04:02:40 pm »
I've seen in a different server.
What they did is make everyone fight at Bayside. They made like chunks in the map, little brown'ish squares and then everyone jumped with parachutes in and had a pre-set loadout.
The outer squares just slowly started to flash and then disappear.

Updates and Changelogs / Re: Current Version: 1.8.3
« on: May 25, 2020, 06:23:09 am »
The packetloss will come in hand quite a bit, will shot if it's worth chasing that teleporting orange crim around or not.

Okay, then just add it to the list when re-doing them.

Rejected Suggestions / Prevent criminals from entering mod shops!
« on: May 24, 2020, 08:00:13 pm »
Simple suggestion, not sure if it's supposed to be implomented yet, but had a situation today..

I was a cop, chasing an orange criminal, he drove in to a mod shop and just went afk in there, so I couldn't do shit.
You guys should probably make it that 2+ star people can't enter mod shops.

Videos / Re: Clara Cat (MeoW) :D
« on: May 24, 2020, 07:36:53 am »
Probably lost cause Clara was on the other end of the air strip because of lag.

« on: May 24, 2020, 07:35:10 am »
Big explosion, ACW-R, Visual Effects, Color.

Crew Discussion / Re: San Andreas Special Force - SASF
« on: May 24, 2020, 07:33:50 am »
I am interested as well.
No pro shooter here, I just 100% use s0beit

Rejected Suggestions / Re: New idea for event!
« on: May 23, 2020, 07:03:55 pm »
I don't really think Mike has to do anything here.
I think admins literally can just plop you to some random map, give everyone guns and then do a countdown and see who's last.
It's just last man standing.


General Off-Topic / Re: Eid MuBarak
« on: May 23, 2020, 06:41:36 pm »
Googled it..
I understand it's a festival about eating and drinking, both things I like, so Eid mubarak to you guys.

General Off-Topic / Re: confession in the air
« on: May 23, 2020, 03:47:54 pm »
Don't send semi-naked or fully naked pictures, take it from my experience you don't want to be in that position.

General / Re: Random tips topic
« on: May 23, 2020, 11:36:06 am »
If you are lit on fire by a molotov or just a car explosion fire, jump non-stop, this will prevent the fire to do any damage to you.

Some people don't know this, but you can actually rob the chillidog stands.

To the new guys: To actually break the vault door of the bank, you don't always need to crack it, if you find or purchase a C4 explosive from the ammunition you can actually place that on the vault door to explode it open, making it much easier to rob the place.

If you're a criminal, you can do $cop to print out the name of the nearest cop to you. Then just do /loc (cops id) to find where and especially how far he is from you.

If you're a cop and a criminal is running away from you unarmed, you can't shoot him, but what you can do is try and ram him, to stop him. Just remember not to kill the guy.

A normal bicycle is quite a decent getaway vehicle in some situations. The main reason for this is the bicycles ability to jump, making you very hard to chase by vehicle, because you can jump over various walls, which cops can't follow with normal vehicles. Just watch out, if they shoot you, you will tumble off the bicycle.

When robbing an ATM, you don't always have to wait for the full animation, you can actually destroy the atm by just shooting it, but do remember this will give less money then fully robbing it. Good to do in a pinch.

If you're a cop and chasing a criminal on foot and he tries to enter a vehicle, whilst the entering animation is playing (opening door, sitting in) you can actually press N to cuff them in the position where they enter the vehicle, so don't try and carjack them out of it, just cuff them straight away.

There's also a thing called lag pitting in SA-MP. Here's a quick video explaining it and showcasing it:

Rejected Suggestions / Re: NOOSE UNIT
« on: May 23, 2020, 07:01:11 am »
You can get a list of wanted players from the npc in the pd or by just checking scoreboard.
Then you can do /loc (id) to see their precise location with distance how far they are from you.

Most of the time chasing one particular criminal isn't worth it, it's much better just to check chat and see where the closest orange or red crimes accur, go there.

Regarding the OP's suggestion:
Make it above X cops core, I'd say 8 or 10k.
Make it have only X slots.
Make it have better vehicles, more armor or whatever really, just so you are a big armored force and crims have a hard time wrecking with you.
Pay can be increased, but doesn't matter too much.
Score increase per action would be really cool. Just as a reward for getting this far.
Currently regarding the bases we already semi have them. There are the FBI bases around cities, like in western LV, in one of the lower garages in LS, North from Market. You can find the FBI black ranchers there, you can make it be a base as well for the highest of the highest cops.

Other cop things that should be added:
GtaFreak already suggested this via general on discord, but make it possible to buy tazer and other ammo to max from the cop shop.
Add sawn off and other weapons to the cop-shop.
Make it possible to turn your personal vehicle in to a cop vehicle for a fee. Some say it'll be overpowered with infernuses, but cops already get infernuses, it would be a bonus for Rank 10's.
Make it possible for high scored cops or something to create a vote to demote people from being a cop for X time. Could be extra security layer in the case of an admin not being online. You all know how it is with the new guys just killing yellows, shooting suspects that are being cuffed, ramming you whilst you chase after someone, or just sit in prison afk all day accepting bribes.

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
« on: May 22, 2020, 08:08:49 pm »
FYI, We can take revenge From cops for arresting us or taking us down. It's in the rules.
So People not taking revenge and being cool with cops isn't really a problem. Shockwave had right to kill those cops as he can take revenge.

Yeah, I'd understand that if it was in the same life w/o death. But if he goes after us 3 times in a row and 2 of those he dies and then finally is successfull, that's just hunting us down on purpose.

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
« on: May 22, 2020, 12:55:30 pm »
So, I had pretty much the same thing happen with me and my friend. We fought and killed ShockWeave and Astronaught, whilst Astro was pretty chill about the thing, to my knowledge..
Shockweave went out of his way to MULTIPLE TIMES find me and my friend, as a civilian, run up to us, on purpose rob us to get 2 or more stars and then proceeded to unload on us.
I got a vid of it here, where me and my friend pulled up on a ticket evader and all of a sudden Shockweave just comes, on purpose robs my friend and then we start a fight. That's literally promoting Deathmatching.. but due to current rules it's all fine, cause he was orange.

General / Re: The Crew System: An Update (Have Your Say)
« on: May 21, 2020, 05:37:15 pm »
You should not be using that vehicle mod. It alters the collision. Just look at 1:39 when your bullets hit an invisible wall.

Yeah, I've already swapped it out.

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