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Messages - V4LGE

Pages: [1]
Accepted Complaints / reh9 & tukangcoli
« on: August 22, 2021, 02:39:38 am »
Your in-game name[59]V4LGE
Their in-game namereh9 & tukangcoli
Date & Time of incident (UTC)22/08/21 02:18
DetailsI was fishing & helping out a new player while these two mentioned players came an killed us both while we was innocent. Both players were slapped by an admin but I would like them to be punished more strictly since its not the first time they do something like this.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

[59] Grey Five Nine / Re: Want to be a part of us? (APPLY HERE)
« on: August 12, 2021, 02:58:37 pm »
What is your in-game name? V4LGE
Have you had any previous names? If yes, which? Joe_Valentino
What is your discord? V4LGE#1468
How old are you? 18
Where are you from? Estonia
How long have you played SA-MP for? Years
Why do you want to join our crew? Because I want to be a part of something and 59's crew members seem cool.
What can you offer for our crew? Muscle & Money, I might not have much but Im always happy to share.
Do you get along with all the crew members? Yes..
Have you ever been banned before? If yes, why? No

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