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Messages - surashark

Pages: [1]
Denied Complaints / The Discord game echo issue
« on: February 01, 2024, 04:04:08 pm »
So I saw that a lot of people on discord are using the game echo channel to talk about off topic stuff(things completely unrelated to the game) and thereby misusing/abusing the channel and literally flooding the in game chat. I would like it if the admins did something about this if it’s possible or just make the game echo channel on discord read only. Samp in game chat about be used for game related chatting ONLY and pms and other channels for everything else. Please do something about this staff.

Denied Complaints / Griefers and such
« on: January 24, 2024, 04:36:51 pm »
During my time on Mike's CNR I saw that recently there have been a lot of griefers on the server. People that attack, bully, run you off the road and otherwise disturb your gameplay out of nowhere for no apparent reason. I have reported it numerous times in game but to no avail so far. I will mention some names here and hope something gets done about it. If anyone can help I will be grateful. Griefers list: [V8]Harris.

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