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Topics - Krzychu

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Closed / Please - Delete my Forum Account and my IN-Game Account.
« on: February 02, 2024, 07:42:11 pm »
Can someone from staff do it? I'm going to leave MCNR.

If it possible, give my Donator Status to player Churdis - he's my friend.
If not, its okay. Just delete my account from every stage of MCNR.

Rejected Suggestions / Private Decathlon Event (without rewards)
« on: January 28, 2024, 07:20:46 pm »
Private Decathlon Event (without rewards)

Why? I want to play with my friends only, for fun and having fun. Not with randomly guy who has 120 fps.

General / Is it worth playing MCNR in 2023?
« on: March 18, 2023, 08:10:36 am »
I'm thinking about coming back, haven't played for a long time. In your opinion, is it worth coming back to play on this server - it used to be my favorite on SAMP. And I played it every day, every day.

General Off-Topic / english.txt
« on: February 08, 2023, 04:33:52 pm »
Hey, can someone send me files of english.txt and fonts.txd?

General / Is this server alive?
« on: December 16, 2022, 05:09:13 pm »
I stopped playing regularly in September 2022, is the server up? I spoke to the players, they say that the server will go down. Is it really so? Tell me from your perspective! Is it worth playing nowadays?

Rejected Suggestions / COP - Must to write report after death.
« on: October 24, 2022, 11:55:38 am »
Make the cops have to report on the action if they die. Minute and black screen - caption "You are reporting now".
The real recovery time for the police will be fair.

Denied Complaints / cop rules - MYSELFVKS
« on: October 15, 2022, 07:57:25 am »
Your in-game nameKrzychu
Their in-game nameMYSELFVKS
Date & Time of incident (UTC)DATE IN ACTIONS
DetailsShooting to my car when I was two-star man
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Videos / Be a CRIMINAL and over and over again
« on: October 13, 2022, 12:58:21 pm »

Under Consideration / [Future Crew Update] Crew Quarters
« on: October 11, 2022, 08:54:08 pm »
After that, once the crews enter the MCNR script. I would like the Crew Quarters to be added.

Each founder of the crew must purchase the quarters, must make a contribution of its own. You can choose a your Crew Quarters for spawn.

Quarters Features:
- hp/armour to get
- ammunation
- crew cars
- spawn
- hideout from the police

and much, much more - you can add your idea by answering.

I think it's more of a forward-looking idea, but Crew Update is a priority after the Heist Update!

edit: I know its CnR, not TDM or another gang-team server, but we have criminal organizations here - which makes sense!

Polish / [PL] Szukam do wspólnej gry!
« on: October 11, 2022, 03:20:06 pm »
Szukasz kogoś do wspólnej gry?!
Tutaj możesz znaleźć swojego sojusznika!

Podaj swoją nazwę w grze. Opisz, czy lubisz grać jako przestępca czy jako policjant. Napisz w jakich godzinach/dniach jesteś dostępny na serwerze.

Mam nadzieję, że udało Ci się znaleźć swojego sprzymierzeńca! Pozdrawiam.

Polish / Pomoc
« on: October 11, 2022, 03:15:37 pm »
Sekcja pomocy dla osób mówiących po polsku!

Masz jakiś problem w grze? Potrzebujesz pomocy związanej z rozgrywką?
Czy po prostu masz jakiś problem związany z serwerem Mike's Cops and Robbers? Pytanie z podstaw rozgrywki na serwerze? Pomoc na forum?

Nie wahaj się odpowiedzieć na ten temat i zadać pytania/opisać swój problem! Moderatorzy Polskiej Tablicy są do twojej dyspozycji! Razem rozwikłamy twój problem!

[To sekcja związana z ogólną pomocą, jeśli masz chcesz zgłosić błąd/bug lub innego gracza, podpowiemy ci jak to zrobić]

Polish / Czat Główny
« on: October 11, 2022, 02:52:52 pm »
Zapraszamy do konwersacji.

Musisz przestrzegać ogólnych zasad forum.

Wszystko co tu piszecie jest monitorowane przez moderatorów tej tablicy, wszystkie niepokojące sytuacje/łamanie zasad będą zgłaszane administratorom forum.


Denied Complaints / RDM
« on: October 09, 2022, 05:39:34 pm »
Your in-game nameKrzychu
Their in-game nameBawzstacJ
Date & Time of incident (UTC)just now
DetailsThey RDMed me. They explained that I was ramming them, which I didn't do it. They have no evidence of it, they wanted a moneybag that's why they killed me, I didn't have that bag, and my mate Spongeusz too. They want DM - here RDM.
After all, I didn't do anything with thats players. THEY ONLY WANT TO FIGHT IN GAME
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Accepted Complaints / BUSTCARL - punctures tires for no reason.
« on: October 09, 2022, 03:42:56 pm »
Your in-game nameKrzychu
Their in-game nameBUSTCARL
Date & Time of incident (UTC)Just now.
Detailspunctures tires for no reason
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

General / Are there any plans for a great crew update?
« on: October 08, 2022, 07:20:30 pm »
Are there any plans for a great crew update?

Add OPTIONAL Classic Menu for buying in AmmuNation Shops.

I would like you to add this as OPTIONAL - because it would shorten the time (the ability to get to the weapon I want to buy faster).

Accepted Complaints / boom boom boy
« on: September 11, 2022, 09:04:06 am »
Your in-game name[UM]Spectrum
Their in-game nameMeron
Date & Time of incident (UTC)just now
Detailsboom boom - look at the chat
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Kill Compilations/Montages / [UM] PIEsskI
« on: September 08, 2022, 01:35:29 pm »

Accepted Complaints / Little Boy, who is hiding on the internet.
« on: September 07, 2022, 03:02:22 pm »
Your in-game name[UM]Spectrum - and whether someone likes it or not
Their in-game namessk - a minimalist name, but a lot to say
Date & Time of incident (UTC)last weekend
Detailshe attacked me, insulting me, insulting my country (in other ssk reports - you could also see what he says about Poland)
the boy, he need a lot of attention, that's why he reminds me of the ban that the administrators have abolished (after all, the managers endured it, not some "friend" of mine)
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Your in-game name[UM]ProfessorLive
Their in-game nametrollburakpro
Date & Time of incident (UTC)today
Detailsaimbot, 2 shots, fast reloading (just watch the video)
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

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