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Messages - Kazumo

Pages: [1]
[K]Kensho / Re: KENSHO Applications [OPEN]
« on: June 29, 2022, 06:57:31 am »
What is your in-game name?$kazumo

Any previous name you have?no

Where are you from?Egypt

What is your previous crew?never

Why do you want to join in our crew?I guess this was good crew for me and learning more laungage about myself but am bad for on the way if whatever an needed i will be here

What can you offer in our crew?yes

What is your K/D ratio?1618 kills ,2637 dealths

Have you ever banned before?[no]

[77] - Continental Crew / Re: [77] Applications - [OPEN]
« on: May 24, 2022, 04:30:12 pm »
77 Application
What is your current in-game name?$kazumo
What is your current age?14
When was your last infraction issued?I hadn't possible any infraction
Have you had any bans (including infraction bans) in the past 6 monthsI couldn't never joined any crew
Have you ever been in a crew before?No
How long ago did you leave your last crew?Never joined any crew before my acc
Why did you leave your last crew?I couldn't get into a crew
Have you gotten 25+ hours in-game for 3 months prior to applying?Yes
What is your current score?44385
Do you have over 200 hours playtime? How much do you have?Yes. I Have 441 Playtimes
Are you a verified discord member of MCNR Discord?Yes
What is your discord name?Kazumo#2136
Why do you want to join 77?I have followed myself into this crew on my dream was the loud on my ass as well do something is not happy without me Seventy seven is my favorite crew
Will you agree to follow crew and server rules?Sure
Will you wear the [77] tag once you pass your 3 week trial?Sure

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