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Messages - joseph.

Pages: [1]
[59] Grey Five Nine / Re: Want to be a part of us? (APPLY HERE)
« on: June 28, 2021, 03:18:19 pm »
If you want to be part of us, make sure to follow this format in order to apply for our crew. By applying, we are expecting you to agree with our crew rules and server rules.
Code: [Select]
What is your in-game name?joseph.
What is your discord?joseph.#2898
Are you commited to the in-game rules and the crew rules? Yes.
Do you meet the requirements? Yes.
Are you at least 18 years of age or older? Yes.
Where are you from? Egypt
How good is your english from scale (1-10)? 9/10
How long have you played Mike's CnR for? About 1 week.
How long have you played SA-MP for? 5 Years
Why do you want to join our crew? I'm very good at dm, and driving, and i will help and be loyal to every person here.
What can you offer for the crew? Respect.
Do you get along with all the crew members? Yes.
Have you ever been banned before? If yes, why?

Asking the about the status of your application will get your application instantly denied.

Denied Appeals / My ban appeal
« on: June 28, 2021, 10:10:53 am »
Ban ID (if applicable)I dont know.
Your in-game namejoseph.
Ban or infraction appeal?Ban.
Date and time of ban/infraction including timezone28-6-2021 11 AM
Ban/infraction reason and detailsI dont know.
Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?I dont know it happend while i was playing as acop i tazed and arrested a person and it banned me.
What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?Was playing as a cop and i got banned
Any witnesses that can vouch for you?Legendary.1337
Any more information to provide?No.

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