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Topics - Boom

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Fixed Bugs / Anticheat bug
« on: May 08, 2022, 05:16:16 pm »
What is your in-game name and account ID (if known)?  Boom.
- What happened exactly?  Only today I noticed that when I use the micro uzi I see a warning that says "rapide fire detected" and the anticheat removes the weapon from my hand, I tried it several times and the problem is still the same
- What circumstances may have led to the issue? I don't know
- Has anyone else experienced the issue?  I don't know (edit: Some people said that it happened to them several times)
- Can you replicate the issue? I've done that several times, same results
- Can you provide us with step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the issue ourselves? Use the micro uzi for a while
- If relevant, what was the time and date (GMT) of the issue? 5/8/2022

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