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Messages - Mike

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 181
So what's the bug...?

The checkpoints won't always be really close to the destination because of how the system uses nodes of the road as destination markers. If you have actual examples of where a destination is far from the actual target, show the example. But it's unlikely it will be 'fixed'.

Taxi drivers don't get a payday because they are self-employed and get all the money from the customer, unlike other jobs.

Invalid Bugs / Re: Wrong money being received when trucking
« on: February 13, 2024, 07:36:14 am »
Wait I just noticed it is not capped it gave you exactly the amount shown in this picture

Look at this

There were 2 money given with the name "cargo"

The sum of these two
$43,689 + $45,000 = $88,689
which was shown at the beginning of the cargo advertise

The rest are just bonuses
This. The 45k is the bonus for it being special cargo, and in that example the cargo was worth £43,689. That's the minimum you'll get, hence why it is shown in the message.

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Reduce the time of the "dizzy" effect
« on: February 12, 2024, 02:19:23 pm »
At 60 FPS it lasts 25 seconds. That's nothing. At 120 FPS it would last half that. Drunk level reduces based on your FPS. I can't control it.

Under Consideration / Re: Add an /unstuck command
« on: February 12, 2024, 01:50:00 pm »
15 minutes cooldown, you must be out of combat and without wanted level (or far from cops), if you get stuck inside an interior the command will leave you outside next to the Door.
I think if you're getting stuck every 15 minutes you're doing it intentionally...

Invalid Bugs / Re: Wrong money being received when trucking
« on: February 12, 2024, 01:48:55 pm »
I will look into this. There's been a few similar issues.

Under Consideration / Re: Add an /unstuck command
« on: February 12, 2024, 08:49:02 am »
I don't think I'm 100% fully against this, but there would have to be certain conditions met, including not being wanted with a cop nearby, not having a bounty with another player nearby, and no recent damage given/taken. And only one use every hour or so maybe? I don't think teleporting a few hundred meters will really matter in most cases, but it will definitely be abused. I think maybe there should be a 15 second delay to use it perhaps, so you can't just use it to trick people. But it will be abused, I guarantee it.

Under Consideration / Re: Add an /unstuck command
« on: February 12, 2024, 08:28:24 am »
Just shout step bro

Rejected Suggestions / Re: new map
« on: February 12, 2024, 08:28:07 am »
Yeah I'll get right on that

Fix Pending / Re: car spawned in Shamal in SF
« on: February 11, 2024, 01:52:50 am »
So Rockstar decided to put a path that goes around that corner, not 100% sure why. I don't remember if airport vehicles go down there

I'll probably just delete most of those nodes, up to the gate at least

Approved Suggestions / Re: Special Vehicle Export on Sunday
« on: February 09, 2024, 01:09:01 pm »
I think a specific modded up vehicle of a specific color in a specfic location outside the active city would be a good idea.
It's a shame I can't show vehicle paintjobs or mods in the on-screen model previews..

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Revert staff complaints section.
« on: February 09, 2024, 08:12:13 am »
The procedure stays as it is. If it's not being responded to, contact the Operations Team. If they don't respond, let me know and I will get them to respond and find out why they haven't.

Having a public forum for people to slander staff and ruin their reputation because they're salty about often valid punishments is not something we want.

Approved Suggestions / Re: Special Vehicle Export on Sunday
« on: February 09, 2024, 08:09:52 am »
Have intended to add this for a long time, just working out how exactly to go about it. I like the idea of a specific color. Maybe mods too.

Updates and Changelogs / 2.0.2
« on: February 07, 2024, 08:48:07 pm »

Version 2.0.2

- Payphone 'locate vehicle' menu is now ordered alphabetically.

- Time Trial bonus cash/score is now only awarded for a top-ten leaderboard position.
  - It was previously supposed to give a bonus for being in the top 50, but it was bugged anyway and didn't work.
- Stolen vehicles can no longer be sold to other players with /vsell.

- Fixed spawnkill protection not working in some situations.
  The intended behaviour of spawnkill protection is that a player that has recently (5 seconds) spawned or entered/exited an interior cannot deal or take damage.
- Fixed 'Missions complete' player stat counting double for Pizzaboy and Paperboy.
- Fixed 'Missions complete' player stat not counting each round completed in Lumberjack.
- Time Trial 'bonus' cash/score message will no longer show if no bonus was given.
- Fixed incorrect vehicle unlock levels in Dealership menu.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the testers and rest of the staff team which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

Revision 1
- Fixed runtime error in payphone vehicle locator menu.

Yes, /heal was changed to only heal yourself. Offering your services to players works the exact same as other jobs (such as Mechanic and Prostitute) - you press the WALK key.

That being said, /offerservices (or some shorter command) might be a good idea, especially in situations where 'customers' are in a vehicle together and you want to offer services to a particular one.

Maybe /serviceoffer (/soff) or /offerservices (/offs)?

That's how it's supposed to work..

Fix Pending / Re: typo/spelling
« on: February 05, 2024, 02:22:35 pm »
Fixed next update, thanks. It's not specific to that achievement.

Spawn protection is two-sided. Players are protected from receiving damage, but also prevented from dealing it.

If I were to simply deactivate both of these, people would be able to shoot another player and immediately start damaging them without them being able to even react.
So you're saying only the protection should be disabled, but not the prevention?

So basically if someone enters an interior and immediately shoots someone, they still can't do any damage, but people could damage them? But then people will complain it's unfair that player A can do damage to player B but not vice-versa...

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Private Decathlon Event (without rewards)
« on: February 05, 2024, 10:36:13 am »
Not really feasible to implement this.

Updates and Changelogs / 2.0.1
« on: February 04, 2024, 06:58:52 pm »

Version 2.0.1

- Added player stats for Roulette and Wheel of Fortune.
- The ability to view stats for another player has been added.

- All cash values displayed throughout the entire MCNR script now have thousand-separators (e.g. $1,234,567 instead of $1234567), which makes it easier to read values.
- Vehicles can now be reversed into storage garages.
- You can now change the property at which you spawn, without changing spawn type and changing back again.
- 'Now on duty as a X' message now shows rank.
- /pv will no longer show vehicle menu if vehicle could not be requested due to 'work in progress'.
- Dealership vehicle menu is now ordered alphabetically.
  - Order can be changed to order by price via /settings > Display (or use '/set dealership_sort').
- Cash robbed from a player then dropped by the assailant, when collected by a cop, will now be returned to the victim.
  - Cash will only be returned to the most recently robbed player.
  - The officer will receive a small monetary reward if the amount was over $100, and they will gain some XP/score.

- Supply drops containing health can no longer be picked up if you've been damaged in the seconds prior.
- Supply drop health restoration is now gradual instead of instant.
- Stolen vehicles can now be stored into a garage up to a value of $100k (was $25k).
- Player weapon skill will no longer increase when shooting vehicles being driven by NPCs.
- Medics now have a higher chance of revival/CPR success.
   - It is still dependant on the CPR skill level (/skills) but medics can now achieve up to 98% success versus cops 95%.
- Players can no longer call for help immediately once downed. They must wait 10 seconds.
  - This is to reduce spam, especially for medics, who receive constant alerts of players in need of help yet they die 2 seconds later.
- Level requirement for cop changed back to 50 from 10.
- Level requirement for medic/fire changed back to 20 from 10.
- Vehicle recovery prices have been reduced to 20% of what they were.

- Fixed 'DEA Briefcase' event showing 'Mafia Money Bag' in some messages.
- Fixed Paperboy mission newspaper throw animation freezing.
- Fixed an issue where you could purchase melee weapons you already have.
- Fixed public service workers being able to claim a player's bounty by attacking them and then the bounty player leaves the server.
- Fixed vehicle management menu (/v) showing incorrect vehicle/tire health for active vehicle.
- Fixed cash reduction HUD text not showing if 'thousand separators' setting enabled.
- Fixed multiple players able to refuel a vehicle at the same time.
- Fixed players not being properly removed from staff events when leaving the server.
- Fixed missing action log for paying bail.
- Fixed issue with GPS not automatically recalculating an active route periodically.
- Fixed players respawning with 2hp after accepting death when downed.
- Fixed missing ATMs in police department receptions.
- Fixed helitours mission checkpoint not being cleared after mission in some rare instances.
- Fixed /playdead ('animation not found').
- Fixed player vehicles not being removed from account when replaced by a new vehicle.
  This lead to multiple vehicles being stored in a single garage, yet only one was accessible.
- Fixed an issue with the personal vehicle spawn algorithm that sometimes resulted in vehicles spawning inside buildings/walls.
- Fixed an inaccessible patient location at LV gym for the medic CPR job event.
- Area 69 guards will no longer attack truckers that have cargo to collect/deliver.
- Fixed incorrect payout for trucking Special Cargo.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the testers and rest of the staff team which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

Revision 1
- Fix database query errors relating to bounties and reports.

Revision 2
- Fix database query error relating to player crime history.
- Adds internal debugging for further database query issues.

Revision 3
- Fixed an issue with logging player crime history.

Revision 4
- Fixed a database query error that stopped players from properly removing friends from their friends list.
- Fixed a number formatting issue in an achievement popup where reward cash should have been.
- Fixed a server hang when going on duty as a job with no rank titles.

Revision 5
- Fixed issues with confiscated weapons (evidence locker) not being updated properly.

Revision 6
- Fixed /inbox not opening inbox.

Revision 7
- Fixed debug log spam.

Revision 8
- Fixed debug log spam.

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