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Under Consideration / Re: Remove or limit the usage of Extinguisher
« Latest post by SilenTHunteR on Today at 01:56:50 pm »
Logically just like cops have tazer, make exclusive to firefighters which seems logical since even in real life no criminal carries extinguishers. If not, then atleast make sure that spawn protection also protects players like they do against all other weapon cause its not working for extinguishers. As soon as a player enters, this dude spams and stunn him immediately and then its over.
Player Complaints / Dr.Navi RDM
« Latest post by x4x on Today at 01:49:33 pm »
Your in-game name[TB]S0beit
Their in-game nameDr.Navi
Date & Time of incident (UTC)About 2 days ago - 2024-05-11 00:50:16 GMT +2 (as seen in the video's title)
DetailsRDM - Dr.Navi contributed to my death so he had no reason to kill me anymore after respawning at the hospital.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

I am remaking this complaint because the previous one was invalid even though the evidence is clear. Let me explain:

- 0:01 as seen in the video, I've respawned at the hospital and Dr.Navi didn't hesitate to shoot me on sight

- 0:13 he killed me

- 0:24 you can see in the /logs that he shot me then some other fella killed me so I died within 2 minutes and he had no reason to shoot/kill me at the hospital.

According to the "2 minute rule" by Moody:

How is the complaint 'invalid'?
Ban and Infraction Appeals / Re: Ban without evidence
« Latest post by UltraSmooth on Today at 01:34:55 pm »
Chatlogs sent along with staff complaint to the management mail. Managers may check that email for chatlog and can compare it against the DB stored chat log.

Let's see what this admin got
Denied Complaints / Re: Dr.Navi RDM
« Latest post by Jay_Dee on Today at 01:16:20 pm »
Denied Complaints / Re: Harassment
« Latest post by Jay_Dee on Today at 01:16:03 pm »
Ban and Infraction Appeals / Ban without evidence
« Latest post by UltraSmooth on Today at 01:15:47 pm »
Ban ID (if applicable)7864
Your in-game nameMunna
Ban or infraction appeal?Ban
Date and time of ban/infraction including timezoneToday
Ban/infraction reason and detailsHarrasment
Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?Too much toxicity
What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?So it seems like some staff got personal issues with me. I was talking to Razor and was selling my mansion for 600m but all of sudden I got banned for "toxicity" while there was no such chat I did.
I am keen forward to see what evidence admins got to issue this ban, further I need to know the name of the admin so I can make staff complaint, I got complete chat logs of today date too and I can share it if admins do not provide evidence for this.
Also whichever admin banned me "Define toxicity and harrassment" and how I violated that, after recent Dani's mute of 2 days, I took extreme care to not break these 2 rules.
Saying "ez" does not count just in advance.
I will lock this topic as not to get spam

Any witnesses that can vouch for you?None
Any more information to provide?Not sure, Razor did family jokes, I told him that I will make a complaint and admin banned me lol.
Denied Complaints / Re: Random DM
« Latest post by Jay_Dee on Today at 01:15:23 pm »
After reviewing these complaints and also footage i recorded myself i found them extremely childish @Spookey @x4x . You both were acting the fool with each other making complaint after complaint. When your following each other around the map claiming revenge after revenge there becomes a point of no return. I see no valid reason for any of these reports to be acted upon. Not exactly hard to just play civilized with each other. If you really don't like each other then stay away from each other! - INVALID
Sometimes you need to close the interaction menu fast because players are shooting at you and going for 4 interaction menu in a row is Just annoying, please add a command like /closeall to prevent this kind of situations.
Can you use hotkeys during menus?
Denied Complaints / Re: Random DM
« Latest post by Spookey on Today at 11:23:09 am »
There are some previous complaints of x4x making useless complaints and doing post farming.

I really suggest admin to look into and issue temporary or atleast 3 months ban to x4x for being extreme toxic and disturbing other gameplays.

I really think carefully about complaints you do about people
Denied Complaints / Re: Grounded bug abuse
« Latest post by Ardealul on Today at 11:10:49 am »
lol bro am sorry im my screen i wasent buged i dont know that am the ground i dident know about this bug

I am a new player to this server i never heard about this.This bug is by the server i dident use any software to create it nor i abused it this is a false report.

This is making a report that i dident know a thing about just to get me infracted for bug that the server has it i mean its kinda not fair p.s in my screen i wasnet on the ground i was standing i dident know that in ur screen am on the ground p.s I HAD A MONEY BAG SO U WAS CHASING ME AND STARTED SHOOTING MAYBE U BUGGED ME OR THE MONEY BAG buged me i have 0 infractions am a relatively a new player stop fishing for infractions.

i can say to the admins that reads this that i bet 100 procent on my screen i wasnt on the ground p.s i dident know about this bug.

Hmmm I mean okay I can understand, the reason I made this is because you robbed me and I was like "Who tf robs when 3 people are shooting you". It's fine, can be denied.
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