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Messages - flareondash

Pages: [1]
Rejected Suggestions / Re: suggestion towards cuffing system
« on: May 01, 2020, 02:46:05 am »
that is why I said adding a timer (so the criminal can run away from cuff range so the cop can start chasing him again to get in range cops chasing robbers like the original idea of "cnr" is saposta be not the other way around like it is happening in the server).  That way a robber will have to think how to manuvar/trick a cop chasing him to a near by vehicle as an example or till his own car spawns to other robbers in hopes of helping him or call for assistance from friends in the same way a cop can call for assistance so the robber doesn't escape.  The thing happening atm is people running around in circles with saweed-off or uzis calling each other noobs for something based 50% on luck with the ocassional car parks when you get bored that is a DM mode not a "cnr"

Rejected Suggestions / Re: suggestion towards cuffing system
« on: April 30, 2020, 10:43:41 pm »
with friends, it is better for sure but I don't wish to rely only on friends all the time and the problems is rarely if not at all anyone response to the /bk command at least make it possible to cuff all around the player don't really see a problem of being able to cuff someone in front or on the sides (especially while tased)

Implemented Suggestions / Re: suggestion for spikes
« on: April 30, 2020, 10:35:29 pm »
you can put something like "oil slicks" for criminals than.

Implemented Suggestions / Re: suggestion for spikes
« on: April 30, 2020, 10:34:35 pm »
that is going to impact other criminal game mode by having spikes on your own vehicles every one with level 100 can get infernus and chase them and install spikes sounds fair to you if you are criminal and starting to rob places to get money and you still low level ?
with the same logic new cops won't be able to catch players with 100 score infernuses and bullets :D

Implemented Suggestions / Re: suggestion for cop rewards
« on: April 30, 2020, 10:33:03 pm »
not everyone pays 5k for a ticket yes but catching a most wanted for 600$ vs a wanted that regularly gets 6k+ still doesn't seem fair going just though checkpoint seems more rewarding. (which probably is since most players that play cop do that)

Rejected Suggestions / Re: suggestion towards modifying a rule
« on: April 30, 2020, 10:27:31 pm »
that is why I said if not remove at least modify like don't stay a hundred cops with tasers at the entrance but like a couple of meters away (near at least) if a lot of wanted get out of the banks they would have more then enough time to start running for a chase to commence (with all the players that come out it will be hard to chase all off them) because from what I understand a lot of players are complaining that cops are waiting as an example in los santos bank the tunnels so the term "near" isn't really understood.

Implemented Suggestions / Re: suggestion for spikes
« on: April 30, 2020, 07:23:08 pm »
mind showing me in-game because it ain't working for me when I do it (I'm talking about your own vehicle, not a police vehicle)

Rejected Suggestions / Re: suggestion for a new rule
« on: April 30, 2020, 07:18:53 pm »
I fill like it is different but if it isnt the owner can fill free to close this topic (rule 6 is to avoid arrest/deaths not avoiding while in a chase)

Implemented Suggestions / suggestion for spikes
« on: April 30, 2020, 07:08:21 pm »
Hello, I would like to suggest adding the possibility of cops buying spikes for their own cars. Being able to use spikes only on police vehicles while chasing someone with an infernus or a bullet on a straight road ain't fun.

Rejected Suggestions / suggestion towards modifying a rule
« on: April 30, 2020, 07:03:46 pm »
Hello, I would like to suggest removing or modifying the cop rule of not being able to "camp" for wanted near banks. That rule doesn't really make sense if it is understood in the way most people understand it apparently (including me). It is only natural cops would storm and clear the area of a property being robbed by someone normal logic for both in real life and in-game. What they should just leave them to get away with over 6k+ from a bank? When people are always robbing the bank of course cops would always want to go and wait there. (Not to mention all the cop hunting wanted have been in the police station what police can't stay there? sims unfair how they can spawn camp like it was once done to me but police aren't allowed to do normal logic things)

Rejected Suggestions / suggestion for a new rule
« on: April 30, 2020, 06:44:34 pm »
Hello, I would like to suggest a rule against pressing esc (pause) while in a chase. Wanted players tend to often (pause) their game while in a chase to rollback them so they can escape possible "downs" of a cop catching them. My self as an example Iv had multiple people teleporting behind me while in chase me hitting their "after image" or glitching me in one place not being able to move or do anything when pulling someone out of a car.

Implemented Suggestions / suggestion for cop rewards
« on: April 30, 2020, 06:36:31 pm »
Hello, I would like to suggest changing up the cop rewards a little bit. Getting up to 5k for ticketing 1-star players and only getting like 600$ for most wanted that casually get 6k+ from robbing banks doesn't seem fair.

Rejected Suggestions / suggestion towards cuffing system
« on: April 30, 2020, 06:31:26 pm »
Hello, I would like to suggest changing the cuff system for cops. It is cool how you have made the animation but being able to do it while only standing behind someone and the taser has a god awful range making you vulnerable to the sawed-off to uzi nuke (it is also hard when a wanted starts hopping because there ain't no rule against that you are pretty much forced to call someone to come help you). I suggest making it being able to cuff someone while you are near him, like some timer of 3-4-5 seconds of being near him and you cuff him that way wanted people will have to be more aware and actually run from cops instead of making a dm arena.

Rejected Suggestions / misc suggestions
« on: April 28, 2020, 11:42:06 pm »
Hello, I want to suggest some suggestions (mostly for cops).

1. First, change the cuff system for cops. It is cool how you have made the animation but it won't cut it even if you somehow manage to get behind someone you are vulnerable to everyone else just to kill you till you actually cuff him (his friends or other most wanted). I suggest making it being able to cuff someone while you are near him, like some timer of 3-4-5 seconds of being near him and you cuff him that way wanted people will have to be more aware and actually run from cops instead of making a dm arena where people have just put up a Jesus icon next to them running in circles spraying with sawed-off or uzis, the other weapons are simply useless except the sniper at this point. (and no even if you somehow manage to tase one with that lucky tase accuracy there is like a million wanted coming out of the bank all the time).
2. While wanted are getting 10k+ and a lot of points from robbing or banks cops are getting ....... make it more rewarding for cops for taking down wanted people are literally going through markers as cops because it is more rewarding instead of doing their jobs.
3. Add a rule to not spam ESC while in a chase it is bad enough chasing people playing from the other side of the world with 500+ ping but most wanted are just spamming ESC while in a chase and teleporting behind or making us hit their "after image".

Also p.s. It is cool that you are making constant events but there is a lot of people that I hit with snipers (I can see the animation of them being hit) and they take no dmg. Some hackers are freely doing what they want and it may start growing.

Rejected Suggestions / reduce cops to equal robbers
« on: April 26, 2020, 01:50:12 pm »
Most of the time I'm in the server there are too many cops (15cops to 3 robbers) please reduce the number of cops that can join that profession when there are too little criminals. (like 3=3, those that are already cops when robbers reduce can stay but others cant join till robbers go up again, as an example)

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