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Messages - hosen2

Pages: [1]
Approved Appeals / My ban appeal
« on: November 07, 2021, 08:30:51 am »
Ban ID (if applicable)2167
Your in-game namehosen2
Ban or infraction appeal?cheat/hack car damage
Date and time of ban/infraction including timezone2021/7/11
Ban/infraction reason and detailsit has writen im cheater but im not
Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?im not cheater im new u van see my ping is 300
What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?idk but im not a cheater i think sm has banned me bc i killed robed him i dont kill playyers either cuse im not so pro
Any witnesses that can vouch for you?my frinds who installed the game for me it was without any cheat and he intrdused me to the server and i cant go any where bc i love this server plz answer me i cant saty a day mor
Any more information to provide?Any more information to provide?plz just un ban me u can see how it was wrongfully ban plz im not cheater and i dont know at all how to cheat or use cheats plz i love this server and i cant go any where plz chek my account plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz

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