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Messages - TimeVap

Pages: [1]
Fixed Bugs / Anti+C system reacts to non+C shooting
« on: January 20, 2024, 10:44:58 pm »
Nick: TimeVap
The problem: Anti+C system reacts to normal shooting
How did it happen: Shotgun shooting
Who else noticed this: My friend said he doesn't have this problem
Can i do it again: It appears on a regular basis. I'm tired of freezing in battle.
How do we do this: Take the shotgun. Start shooting from it continuously. Anti-C system. Profit
When?: Today and still
Other: I used to suffer with the old version, but not so often. With the new version, it became impossible to shoot from a shotgun (my favorite weapon). Every 5-8 shots the Anti-C system freezes me. I play at 30 fps. I also encountered a bug with a 9mm silencer and an automatic shotgun. It doesn’t matter how you shoot - Poke the left mouse button, hold down the left mouse button, take short intervals between shots - the Anti-C system for some reason still freezes me

Screenshots / Welcome to LSPD
« on: September 05, 2021, 08:59:11 am »

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