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Messages - Jason Alex

Pages: [1]
Denied Complaints / Re: Reporting King_MerCer
« on: August 04, 2020, 09:42:48 pm »
Cops cant drop spike for nothing its forbidden.

Cops are allowed to spike yellow suspect's car resisting. in the video you showed the part after we hijacked you when you were in your car, you didn't show your resist. now i told you he placed the spike as he thought you will run away but when he saw your white name, he got into my car and removed it i saw with my own eyes.

Denied Complaints / Re: Reporting King_MerCer
« on: August 04, 2020, 09:41:10 pm »
My car isnt even damaged cause i sent my car to garage. He dropped for nothing video is clear mate.
As i said you had no patience so you remove your car so the video looks suitable for your false report, we removed it. Now please stop sending more messages let's wait for admin/moderator, solution on this.

Denied Complaints / Re: Reporting King_MerCer
« on: August 04, 2020, 09:37:17 pm »
All in record as i said he dropped a spike to my car he didint even remove it. Why is he waited 10 sec for remove it? also i dont remember remove. You said " Remove " too  but  hes still running to car :p
It isn't our problem that you don't have patience my friend, he removed it, you have no right to report for this, your car isn't even damaged, you paid your fine.

We went in peace, then you decided to make a report because idk why would you even report lol, also in the server you mentioned you were going to report me, but now i see you didn't find anything to accuse me of so you decided to make up a story on King_Mercer. You should confess instead of making up more excuses.

Denied Complaints / Re: Reporting King_MerCer
« on: August 04, 2020, 09:28:53 pm »
You guys really liar lmao your ss from 44min ago. It was a 10 -15 min ago before the this case :p  I wasnt mad. Who are u? you guys came to me.

hey i dont mean to mark that ''unpaid fine'' i wrongly marked it when i was scrolling the crime list, ignore this mark, u took the mark to defend yourself with as you don't find anything else to defend yourself with lol

Denied Complaints / Re: Reporting King_MerCer
« on: August 04, 2020, 09:23:50 pm »
Is he have fingers to write? also is he have eyes for see what am i? i was innocent he dropped spike for nothing you guys knows better than me. It wasnt fun.
He removed it, you got mad (because we killed you before) you wanted to report him for anything. you said ''i will report'' even before he places the spike!
somone with all those crimes wouldn't make an officer throw a spike on his car so he doesn't run away with unpaid fine?

I would say remove it, when you cuff somoene with skaters he can run faster than all cops no one can even arrest him except if he had a quick typing hand to do /a once he is cuffed!

Denied Complaints / Re: Reporting King_MerCer
« on: August 04, 2020, 09:18:10 pm »
Ofc you removed it cause i said " all in record " so why u waited 10 sec for remove it? waiting for destroy my tires?
You said you were recording before you even bailed out of your car, we told you that you are wasting your time because we are not doing anything wrong, so your point is false, we knew you were recording which means he placed the spike and removed it knowing you were recording before

Denied Complaints / Re: Reporting King_MerCer
« on: August 04, 2020, 09:13:50 pm »
does it really mater? he dropped his spike to my car while i was innocent. He could remove it in 1 sec but he didint. Be a fair player.
he is not a computer to do /rspike once  you are innocent, you know it. he removed the spike just after this vid ended

I am a fair player more than anyone. thats why i just created an account to defend a player in this report.

Denied Complaints / Re: Reporting King_MerCer
« on: August 04, 2020, 09:09:23 pm »
All in record shh

You cut the part where he removes the spike, or didn't even record it.

Denied Complaints / Re: Reporting King_MerCer
« on: August 04, 2020, 09:03:44 pm »
Since i was there i don't need to view the video, he was placing the spike on your car knowing your name is yellow, but then you paid me, later he removed it.

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