Mike's Cops and Robbers

Community => Ban and Infraction Appeals => Denied Appeals => Topic started by: Giorno on November 20, 2019, 04:36:23 pm

Title: Muted and got assigned 5 infraction points for an harassment/flaming/discriminat
Post by: Giorno on November 20, 2019, 04:36:23 pm
- In-game name: Giorno

- Explanation: Why were you banned/infracted? What happened?:
Code: [Select]
[17:00:09] Racehart (61){FFFFFF}: benis is better than tenis

[17:00:10] Today's catch of the day: {FFFFFF}Starfish    {42bcf5}Bonus: {FFFFFF}$5000

[17:00:10] For help with fishing, see /fishing.

[17:00:10] Time: {FFFFFF}Wednesday 12:00    {33CCFF}Weather forecast: {FFFFFF}Sunny

[17:00:10] Martin_Mesa (50){FFFFFF}: thanks for abandone me maro

[17:00:10] Ma_ro (43){FFFFFF}: sry martin

[17:00:14] Running low on cash? Look for red flags on the map. These are jobs and missions which can earn you cash. See /jobs or /missions for info.

[17:00:16] Racehart (61){FFFFFF}: i like drinking bepis

[17:00:18] Ma_ro (43){FFFFFF}: shit

[17:00:20] >> Vito_Skalett (45) has joined.

[17:00:21] Treba (53){FFFFFF}: you haven't changed your panties since I first saw you in 2008 ingame

[17:00:22] Giorno (36){FFFFFF}: bepis better than loca

[17:00:23] [KILL] {EE5800}Benceee (42){777777} killed {1699F1}Premix (58){777777} with {C4C4C4}a Micro Uzi (Mac 10){777777}.

[17:00:23] Ma_ro (43){FFFFFF}: he gonna to kill me man

[17:00:28] Treba (53){FFFFFF}: AHAHAHA

[17:00:29] Ma_ro (43){FFFFFF}: she *

[17:00:30] Achievement Unlocked: Motorbike Madness III

[17:00:31] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: i would pay 1.000.000 for 2 sek ingame sex with clara

[17:00:32] exoterix (40){FFFFFF}: lolol

[17:00:34] film2006 (35){FFFFFF}: exo

[17:00:38] Giorno (36){FFFFFF}: scaes

[17:00:39] strongboy20 (56){FFFFFF}: let me drive

[17:00:40] Giorno (36){FFFFFF}: that's gay

[17:00:40] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: ye

[17:00:40] exoterix (40){FFFFFF}: sup film

[17:00:43] film2006 (35){FFFFFF}: please i beg you

[17:00:47] Racehart (61){FFFFFF}: lmfao

[17:00:48] Officer {055DE8}Vuyo4Life (54): {FF0000}FREEZE!

[17:00:51] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: why is that gay?

[17:00:51] Press JUMP, PUNCH or SPRINT to end animation.

[17:00:52] Treba (53){FFFFFF}: elevator dicc

[17:00:54] exoterix (40){FFFFFF}: what do u need

[17:00:56] film2006 (35){FFFFFF}: my fiend is waiting

[17:00:59] Cuffed by officer Vuyo4Life (54).

[17:00:59] Your arresting officer is Vuyo4Life (54).

[17:00:59] Follow your arresting officer to a vehicle for transport to jail. Compliance will be rewarded with a reduced sentence and bail.

[17:00:59] glassy (38){FFFFFF}: the orang icon

[17:01:00] Officer {055DE8}Vuyo4Life (54): {FF0000}get in the vehicle!

[17:01:00] Press G to enter a vehicle as a passenger. Comply with police for reduced sentence and bail.

[17:01:00] Arrested by officer Vuyo4Life (54).

[17:01:04] Welcome to jail - don't drop the soap.

[17:01:04] -> Police chase lasted {1185EE}0:24

[17:01:04] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: do u call clara as men?

[17:01:04] exoterix (40){FFFFFF}: just take the taxi

[17:01:05] >> saadboy69 (47) has joined.

[17:01:09] Treba (53){FFFFFF}: shemen

[17:01:11] << Riidho83 (51) left the server (crash/timeout).

[17:01:12] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: ye he is but dont say that loud

[17:01:12] >> csGOha (60) has joined MCNR for the first time.

[17:01:13] Martin_Mesa (50){FFFFFF}: ./accept

[17:01:13] Racehart (61){FFFFFF}: im bored of being at the peek

[17:01:15] Giorno (36){FFFFFF}: she has the big D

[17:01:16] >> Henry_Oaks (51) has joined.

[17:01:18] Racehart (61){FFFFFF}: not the peek

[17:01:19] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: no

[17:01:19] film2006 (35){FFFFFF}:  just come i will tell you

[17:01:20] Racehart (61){FFFFFF}: but

[17:01:22] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: she is still bad cop

[17:01:23] Giorno (36){FFFFFF}: bro

[17:01:24] Cannot rob player: The target is in jail.

[17:01:28] Giorno (36){FFFFFF}: she got bigger D than you

[17:01:28] exoterix (40){FFFFFF}: you can chat here bro

[17:01:28] Racehart (61){FFFFFF}: bored of being so strong

[17:01:33] You have been muted by an admin for {FFFFFF}10{FF00FF} minutes. Reason: {FFFFFF}harrasing

[17:01:33] Please follow the rules of the server, and keep the game fun for everyone.

[17:01:34] Premix (58) is now paused.

[17:01:34] Henry_Oaks (51){FFFFFF}: bruh i hope it works now

[17:01:37] Treba (53){FFFFFF}: lol Race

[17:01:38] Racehart (61){FFFFFF}: very big

[17:01:39] Henry_Oaks (51){FFFFFF}: AH SHIT

[17:01:41] Treba (53){FFFFFF}: take some synthol

[17:01:42] Henry_Oaks (51){FFFFFF}: NOO

[17:01:43] << Henry_Oaks (51) left the server (quit).

[17:01:43] Martin_Mesa (50){FFFFFF}: ./accept

[17:01:49] film2006 (35){FFFFFF}: i wanna go to the club you know

[17:01:57] Racehart (61){FFFFFF}: he wont get back

[17:01:57] [KILL] {FF0000}Ma_ro (43){777777} killed {004AE6}Xx_Clara_Cynthia_xX (33){777777} with {C4C4C4}a Tec9{777777}.

[17:01:59] You are currently muted and cannot send a message.

[17:01:59] Invalid command (/pm 33 hey i apologize i didn't know you'd take it personally). See {FFFFFF}/commands (/cmds){FF0000} for a list of valid comm

[17:02:00] Martin_Mesa (50){FFFFFF}: Premix.

[17:02:01] film2006 (35){FFFFFF}: please exo i beg you

[17:02:03] Racehart (61){FFFFFF}: he took the kids

[17:02:05] Premix {FFFF00}was paused for {FFFFFF}46s{FFFF00}.

[17:02:09] Officer strongboy20 (56) has offered you a $2,000 bribe for your innocence.

[17:02:09] Type /accept to accept the bribe, or /deny to refuse it.

[17:02:10] The lotto draw is at {FFFFFF}18:00{62DD49} - buy your tickets now at any 24/7 or General Store. See {FFFFFF}/lotto{62DD49} for more info.

[17:02:11] * Scaes (39) is wave Henry_kingwoods (51)

[17:02:12] You have refused the $2,000 bribe from officer strongboy20 (56).

[17:02:13] You have not served your sentence.

[17:02:15] Want to enforce the law? Visit any Police Department to become a Police Officer.

[17:02:15] TIP: Use /BRIBE [NAME/ID] (AMOUNT) to quickly bribe. Use /BR for short. Use /BRIBE [AMOUNT] to bribe the nearest cop with the specified amount.

[17:02:18] Racehart (61){FFFFFF}: MY kids

[17:02:19] Player has already been offered or recieved a bribe.

[17:02:22] TIP: Use /BRIBE [NAME/ID] (AMOUNT) to quickly bribe. Use /BR for short. Use /BRIBE [AMOUNT] to bribe the nearest cop with the specified amount.

[17:02:22] Officer strongboy20 (56) has offered you a $1,000 bribe for your innocence.

[17:02:22] Type /accept to accept the bribe, or /deny to refuse it.

[17:02:23] Racehart (61){FFFFFF}: so now

[17:02:26] You have been given 5 infraction points by an admin for 'Harassment/flaming/discrimination'.

[17:02:26] Details: {FFFFFF}annoying/harrasing

[17:02:26] The harassment of other players/staff is not tolerated. Everyone is just here to have fun.

As you can see from a portion of the chat log(the important bit anyways, I will upload the full one though), I apparently insulted clara, who I assume was the administrator at the time, by saying 'she got a bigger D than you do'. I honest to god can't see how this would be seen as an insult. Yeah, it's a dumb thing to say, but there is no way in hell anyone would see this as an insult in any way, shape or form. Later on, when I got unmuted, I apologized to clara, but it fell on deaf ears:
Code: [Select]
[17:11:33] You are no longer muted.

[17:11:38] Henry_Oaks (51){FFFFFF}: 11/10 1000IQ

[17:11:41] PM to Xx_Clara_Cynthia_xX (33): {FFFFFF}hi, i assume you're the admin?

[17:12:01] PM to Xx_Clara_Cynthia_xX (33): {FFFFFF}look, i didn't mean it as an insult when i said 'you have a bigger D than he does'.

[17:12:01] << glassy (38) left the server (crash/timeout).

[17:12:10] Nobody caught the catch of the day ({FFFFFF}Starfish{42bcf5}).

[17:12:10] Today's Catch of The Day: Catch {FFFFFF}a Turtle{42bcf5} while fishing today for a {FFFFFF}$5000{42bcf5} prize!

[17:12:10] For help with fishing, see /fishing.

[17:12:10] Time: {FFFFFF}Thursday 0:00    {33CCFF}Weather forecast: {FFFFFF}Sunny

[17:12:10] PM to Xx_Clara_Cynthia_xX (33): {FFFFFF}i assumed that was just a joke and that you would see it that way.

[17:12:14] If you buy a weapon licence you can carry and shoot a weapon in public legally. Just don't shoot anyone (unless in self-defence).

[17:12:17] GRDOSIJA451 (49){FFFFFF}: hi

[17:12:19] >> glassy (38) has joined.

[17:12:27] Balla1 (48){FFFFFF}: The money rush in hunter Quarry is tough

[17:12:31] igiyoungerr (59){FFFFFF}: sorry

[17:12:34] PM to Xx_Clara_Cynthia_xX (33): {FFFFFF}i sincerely apologize and it won't happen again, but i do think muting me for 10 minutes was a slight o

[17:12:34] InPoint (61){FFFFFF}: i got renamed

[17:12:35] Prst_Lukas (50){FFFFFF}: get in

[17:12:39] PM to Xx_Clara_Cynthia_xX (33): {FFFFFF}overreaction.

[17:12:41] Prst_Lukas (50){FFFFFF}: get in

[17:12:47] Join the MCNR community forums at {FFFF82}mikescnr.com/forum{FFFFFF} for news, info, bug reports, suggestions and more!

[17:12:52] Prst_Lukas (50){FFFFFF}: get in

[17:12:53] InPoint (61){FFFFFF}: from racehatr to inpoint

[17:12:55] Prst_Lukas (50){FFFFFF}: hoe

[17:13:01] InPoint (61){FFFFFF}: the name to me sounds better

[17:13:01] PM to Xx_Clara_Cynthia_xX (33): {FFFFFF}you also put some points on me, but i didn't get a chance to explain myself or ask why and what.

[17:13:02] Join the MCNR Discord server at {FFFF82}mikescnr.com/discord{FFFFFF} and get involved with the community!

[17:13:13] Benceee (42) {FFFFFF}has set their chat room to {FF00FF}English{FFFFFF}. Use {FFFF82}/chatroom{FFFFFF} to change your chat room.

[17:13:15] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: lokl

[17:13:16] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: i do

[17:13:17] We need more admins and beta testers to join the MCNR team! See {FFFF82}/admin and /tester{FFFFFF} for more info!

[17:13:18] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: NOTHING

[17:13:19] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: WHY U SHOOT

[17:13:20] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: tazer

[17:13:33] PM to Xx_Clara_Cynthia_xX (33): {FFFFFF}hopefully those points don't change future admins' decisions around me since you probably won't remove

[17:13:35] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: i give u my bag and u shoot tazer

[17:13:41] PM to Xx_Clara_Cynthia_xX (33): {FFFFFF}them.

[17:13:46] [DEATH] MALARIE (63) died.

[17:13:53] * igiyoungerr (59) waves at HabaDaba (2)

[17:13:57] PM to Xx_Clara_Cynthia_xX (33): {FFFFFF}again, i apologize, but i did not mean it as an insult in the first place and i assumed it would be see

[17:13:59] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: bribe me pls

[17:14:01] PM to Xx_Clara_Cynthia_xX (33): {FFFFFF}seen as a joke.

[17:14:09] Henry_Oaks (51){FFFFFF}: at least ur time is decreased

[17:14:14] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: -.-

[17:14:15] Want to enforce the law? Visit any Police Department to become a Police Officer.

[17:14:20] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: gelang hitet me with car

[17:14:22] Henry_Oaks (51){FFFFFF}: thats all i can do

[17:14:22] Prst_Lukas (50){FFFFFF}: i want sex

[17:14:25] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: i hitet hikm with fist

[17:14:27] n4Ranja (60) is now paused.

[17:14:27] InPoint (61){FFFFFF}: man this bike sounds like a dodge charger or something

[17:14:28] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: now i get jailed

[17:14:28] InPoint (61){FFFFFF}: lol

[17:14:29] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: is wear

[17:14:31] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: revenge

[17:14:34] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: with reason

[17:14:34] Minjas (32){FFFFFF}: Help me I'm dying!

[17:14:34] Minjas is dying. Revive them by approaching them and pressing CROUCH.

[17:14:36] [KILL] {004AE6}HappyFace (35){777777} killed {FF9E19}Minjas (32){777777} with {C4C4C4}a vehicle{777777}.

[17:14:36] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: i set bounty

[17:14:37] Treba {FFFF00}was paused for {FFFFFF}6m 4s{FFFF00}.

[17:14:38] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: on him

[17:14:43] Scaes (39){FFFFFF}: i dont care

[17:14:43] Treba (53){FFFFFF}: Salam aleykoum

[17:14:49] InPoint (61){FFFFFF}: who needs a teammate

[17:14:50] Henry_Oaks (51){FFFFFF}: @53 hi

[17:14:51] Treba (53){FFFFFF}: Maro <3

[17:14:51] << MR_DEVIL (37) left the server (quit).

[17:14:54] Treba (53){FFFFFF}: thanks mayte

[17:14:57] igiyoungerr (59){FFFFFF}: \

[17:15:06] << Minjas (32) left the server (quit).

[17:15:10] Vuyo4Life (54){FFFFFF}: me,but robbers

[17:15:13] MALARIE (63) is now paused.

[17:15:16] << GRDOSIJA451 (49) left the server (quit).

[17:15:22] Treba (53){FFFFFF}: Where's that motherufcker Martin?

[17:15:30] You have deposited {62DD49}$47,000{FFFFFF} in to your account. New account balance: {62DD49}$290,624

[17:15:31] Vito_Skalett (45) is now paused.

[17:15:33] Treba (53){FFFFFF}: Salam Henry

[17:15:36] Henry_Oaks (51){FFFFFF}: hi

I made it a point to completely apologize to her if my 'insult' inconvenienced her, but I still didn't consider myself to be in the wrong. As I got no response from the administrator(who, again, I assume was clara), I came to the forums to complain about some '5 infraction points' I got assigned. I don't know how the infraction points work or how many you need to collect to get a permament mute, or even a ban from this server, but to be on the safe side, I'd personally like for them to be removed because it seems like I did something terribly wrong, when a thing like this could just be solved by a simple private message saying something along the lines of 'hi, can you please not say this anymore, I'm offended by it', rather than a 10 minute mute and 5 infraction points.

- Evidence: Provide evidence where possible/applicable that you are innocent.
It seems that I can't upload the full chatlog because of the thread size restriction, however please, if you have a way of uploading the entire chatlog, I will do so immediately. I wrote the part below having in mind that I could do that, but I left it anyway.

(I find it extremely baffling how someone can say to another player, as you'll see in the chatlog, 'fuck you you piece of shit' without a bat of an eye, while when I say something meaningless and meant in a fun manner, I get infracted and muted for it, while beforehand I showed absolutely no bad behavior to assume that I am using it in an offensive manner.)

- Ban/infraction message: Show the message that shows your ban or infraction details:
Please check above.
Title: Re: Muted and got assigned 5 infraction points for an harassment/flaming/discriminat
Post by: Funtastic Power on November 22, 2019, 11:56:07 am
Since she was the one you're dealing with, let's wait for her response!
Title: Re: Muted and got assigned 5 infraction points for an harassment/flaming/discriminat
Post by: Xx_Clara_Cynthia_xX on November 22, 2019, 12:34:40 pm
We don't accept harrasing/insulter players in our server, next time read your /rules before insulting someone, your infraction points will be stay in there, no excuses.
Title: Re: Muted and got assigned 5 infraction points for an harassment/flaming/discriminat
Post by: codeshadow on November 26, 2019, 05:55:40 am
I have asked her to change the 5 infraction points to 2 infraction points.