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im 1 second ahead of you thanks to keybinds
you are 1 second away from burning your mask from that cigar
+1 for this suggestion
Suggestions and Ideas / Re: Duel betting/staking
« Latest post by puuro on Today at 09:15:06 am »

not sure why this isnt implemented already

give it a max cap too like 250k or something
How about you show the complete gameplay? You and your buddy were standing there for several minutes, near plenty of suspects, as cops. You both didn't even attempt to leave/run or anything. Just stood there to bait us to do anything.
Yeah we didnt chase you after we saw you go to another direction. Also the 2nd clip where we got on you with multiple people was because the way you reacted to this. I also told you ig when you asked why did you shoot that you were coming to a group of mw's when we were fighting cops...
General Off-Topic / Re: Post You Favorite Songs Here
« Latest post by coldtank on Today at 06:35:50 am »
Suggestions and Ideas / Duel betting/staking
« Latest post by WAP on Today at 05:56:47 am »
A fairly simple one - allow players to stake an amount for a duel


/duel [id] [stake]

to prevent accidental acceptance, could provide a confirmation prompt after player types /accept
Suggestions and Ideas / Re: Make Fishing License Gets Expire Every Week
« Latest post by WAP on Today at 02:27:24 am »
+1 but buff fishing exp

I like this idea. Add a little more realism to the game as well.
Not sure what did i do wrong???
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