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Messages - Uncle Mega

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Approved Appeals / Re: Banned for ban evasion again lol
« on: August 03, 2019, 12:45:17 am »
Seems like a bug, we need Mike here!
Im not at home so I can't do much, hope this will get solved asap.

Accepted Complaints / Re: NotBad rdm
« on: July 27, 2019, 09:06:40 pm »
Actions will be taken, please enable the death list via /settings.

Accepted Complaints / Re: cholo rdm
« on: July 27, 2019, 09:06:02 pm »
Will look into this, thank you for reporting.

Denied Complaints / Re: /q To avoid
« on: July 24, 2019, 10:18:43 pm »
Proofs that have been provided don't help us to determine if Treba has logged to avoid or not, please provide better proofs (footage/video).
Avenger, behave please.

Approved Appeals / Re: Banned. Kaytashi_Minase
« on: July 23, 2019, 09:03:34 pm »
Refrain from using modifications who give you advantages on others, thanks!

Approved Appeals / Re: Banned. Kaytashi_Minase
« on: July 23, 2019, 11:37:48 am »
Please use the format..
Name, picture of the ban, etc.

Ban will remain, end of discussion.

You might want to read the rules again...

How come you didn't find that in the list?
Simple, very simple to find.

Going AFK as leaving the server is not something different, it's just like re-connecting.
You're the first to be punished for that since no one else thought to abuse that.

I don't see any reason to unban you both, maybe you can tell me something else that can change my decision?

Crews / Re: Plans for crew system in-game
« on: July 23, 2019, 12:30:35 am »
Only official crews who will be accepted by the management should have a base for their weapon with a bank (you can store money/weapons,etc)
+Interior for members only.

One question >  WHERE IS THE RULE ??/  and I cant using it ??   ( CANT USE ONLY IF WE"RE 1v1)  + CANT PAUSE FOR AVOID DEAD OR SOMETHING ??  so I can use it when this is not rule .

If you watch the clip you can see that i did it only time. Should i get reported for pausing once when other people in this server pause and dm non stop? Are you fucking serious? I apologize if this is rule breaking bc i did it only ONCE after the last report but which rule says Moe can't pause for 2-3 seconds?
Under no circumstances, no one should attempt to avoid arrest/death, you're abusing AFK (ESC button) in order to avoid police which is forbidden.
I believe it wasn't the first time it was abused.

I don't care if you see someone else rulebreaking, you shouldn't break the rules because someone else does, this is simply rulebreaking, so no excuses.
If you see someone rulebreaking, report on forums, be an example for other players, god dang it.

And what's up with that 1-1 thing, it's pretty much childish, stop making your own rules.
"( CANT USE ONLY IF WE"RE 1v1)" - MoePolice

MoePolice and EZKIDS have been punished, thank you.

Thanks, we appreciate your effort.
Let's wait for EZKIDS and Moe_Police to respond on this.

Denied Complaints / Re: report
« on: July 22, 2019, 09:26:46 pm »
Please post more clear proofs, I don't see anything that proves that.

Anyways, please make a forum report if you believe the other side has done something wrong.

Accepted Complaints / Re: the_first_avenger - possibly hacking
« on: July 20, 2019, 08:57:41 pm »
(Read the last report made against Avenger - some tips for both sides, not going to repeat this again so I suggest reading the thread)

Avenger will be monitored as we don't have clean proofs about it, could happen due to lags or players crashing into each other, I will see what I can do about this.

Denied Complaints / Re: the_first_avenger possible hacking
« on: July 20, 2019, 08:55:59 pm »
This report has turned out to be a chat, since this is not helping both of the sides, I will once again say this and this will be the last time:

No trash talking between two of you, stop the BS and especially the rude act, if you are here to report, cut the offensive words and get to the point, you both are arguing 24/7, reporting each other and it's getting childish, seriously, do you both really want to to get to this level?
Stop provoking each other, it won't get you anywhere.

Finally, lets get to the point.

This could be a bug and this bug was abused, as well the second side has also broken a rule (ramming a player for no reason, apparently).
Both sides will be monitored, no actions will be taken for this time.

Accepted Complaints / Re: Admin Bad Behavior
« on: July 15, 2019, 12:12:41 am »
I slap you that for my own purpose reason because everytime i seeing you ingame, you always robbing me i alrady said rob to other player and you keep robbing we know why people always getting mad from this cases because you always robbing them and killing them, and second is you killed me with a bike near ambulance...and you said that for doing a stunt? You can make another stunt or free style in another place and i seeing you following me when im low health in ambulance. Buddy i was in desperate at that time and you starting to make me feeling bad again like other time.

There's no "own purpose" Clara, Avenger can rob everyone -BUT- he can only kill under valid reasons,
You can't slap someone just because he is turning you off (making you mad), this is against the staff rules, as long as he didn't break the server rules, you shouldn't punish or use any of the staff tools, you just need to deal with it, find another way to face against the issue, as a mature person.

Now, Avenger, I'm not sure that you are provoking or not, just asking you to be real with me, it could be that you are provoking Clara, indeed some of the pictures you've sent me have been cropped and as I've checked the logs, there are things who prove my words.

It's not the first time you face problems with other players, Avenger.

Updates and Changelogs / Re: Current Version - 1.0.24
« on: July 14, 2019, 11:52:12 pm »
Nice update, very helpful changes ;)

Archived / Re: Player top tens
« on: July 14, 2019, 11:51:26 pm »

Accepted Complaints / Re: Admin Bad Behavior
« on: July 13, 2019, 11:30:47 pm »
Let's wait for Clara's response.

Approved Appeals / Re: Banned for Cheat code 10
« on: July 13, 2019, 11:30:06 pm »
Seems like it was a mistake.

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