Author Topic: 1.11.1  (Read 13122 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: August 07, 2021, 09:05:58 pm »

Version 1.11.1

- Players that fail to start the Kickstart challenge (get on Sanchez and start driving) within 30 seconds are now
  ejected from the stadium, to prevent people idling in the stadium and preventing other players from participating.
- Players trapped inside the vault when the bank locks down are now sent to jail.
- Added a 5 second cooldown for collecting stolen cash drops when damaged.
- Picking up a stolen cash drop will now show who dropped it (if they're still online).
- The ATMs inside the banks now work.

- Player slots reduced to 100.
- /dropweapon no longer available in shooting range.
- Kickstart Stadium spectate functionality no longer available while wanted or bounty active with players nearby.
- Kickstart Stadium checkpoint no longer functions if player is dead/dying.
- Players will now be ejected from Kickstart if they fail to get on the Sanchez within 30 seconds.
- Police parole time limit (once every 48 minutes) is now saved to account so players cannot relog to avoid it.
- Job-based daily objectives no longer assigned to players that are unable to play as that job,
  either because of a PSO job-ban or for being below the level requirement to play as that job.
- Players can no longer bring vehicles out of garages while dead or dying.
- Payphone 'locate vehicle' will no longer find vehicles which have a driver.
- The personal vehicle menu no longer has separate menus for requesting and managing vehicles, they are all under a single menu.
- Closing the 'Your vehicle is impounded' dialog will now return to the vehicle menu if you came from there.
- Players can no longer drop the Chainsaw in the Lumberjack mission.
- If players somehow lose their Chainsaw in the Lumberjack mission, it will now fail.

- Fixed treasure hunt map area not showing for newly-connecting players while treasure hunt is already active.
- Fixed 'You're no longer Discord nitro boosting the server' always showing even if boosting.
- Fixed being inside a plane/heli that explodes turning the player invisible/invulnerable rather than killing them in certain circumstances.
- Fixed a bug where /ignore'ing a player would forever ignore the ID they had, even if they quit and another player joined with their ID.
- Moved Montgomery gas station checkpoint to be accessible to large vehicles.
- Fixed timetrial leaderboard unable to be closed.
- Fixed player time/weather not being locked while in Kickstart Stadium.
- Fixed gym actors becoming robbable after shooting in interior.
- Fixed firefighters respawning at LS airport (regardless of city) if killed near fire station.
- Mission cooldown after cancelling mission now applies.
- Fixed cops and other public service jobs being shown bank robbery instructions (collect a bag of cash) if in the vault during a robbery.
- Spawn 'stretch' animation no longer played if spawned in water.
- Pressing sub-mission key (2) in a truck cab to find a trailer will no longer find trailers that are being towed already.
- Fix inability to equip fishing rod/medkit and other items on boats.
- Fixed players being given duplicate throwables ammo when weapons were refreshed inside interior e.g. when
  holstering tazer or when dropping a weapon) which were then detected by the anticheat.
- Fixed player interior type not reset when teleported out of an interior (e.g. to jail),
  resulting in wall-breach detection being triggered.
- Fixed fuel bar not always hidden when exiting vehicles (especially if forcibly ejected).
- Fixed job event timer sometimes not decreasing.
- Fixed payphone 'locate vehicle' finding vehicle closest to center of map (0, 0) rather than player's position.
- Fixed payphone 'locate vehicle/weapon/bribe' not using exterior position if used inside an interior.
- Fixed payphone 'locate vehicle' finding Dealership vehicles.
- Fixed players having the ability to re-open the gas station menu while a mod is being applied (screen faded out).
- Fixed /ieject ejecting command user not target player.
- Fixed a bug where if you selected to manage a personal vehicle then cancelled the dialog, if you were
  viewing 'Land vehicles' previously and only had vehicles in property garage(s), it would fail to load.
- Fixed an issue where in the garage vehicle list, the vehicle colors would append to the previous (e.g. GreyGreyGrey).

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

Revision 1
- Fixed newly joining players being unable to see the info popups during the intro tutorial.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2021, 02:10:29 pm by Mike »

Offline RedZ

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Re: Current version: 1.11.1
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2021, 01:27:14 am »
Great Update Mike !!

Offline xVikrant

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Re: Current version: 1.11.1
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2021, 05:26:53 am »
- The ATMs inside the banks now work.

Now, this is better!

Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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Current version: 1.11.1 R1
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2021, 01:09:55 pm »
Revision 1
- Fixed newly joining players being unable to see the info popups during the intro tutorial.