Author Topic: 1.1.8  (Read 11919 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: August 10, 2019, 08:02:55 pm »
- New players now get a popup during the first spawn tutorial explaining the wallet/bank cash HUD elements.
- You can now hold N to surrender easily to cops or other players. Simple hotkey for /surrender or /handsup.

- The XP awarded to medics for revival, heal and cure has been increased slightly.
- Cop intro popup changed to reflect new /coprules regarding killing most wanted suspects (try and avoid using force).
- Players with 'closest hospital' respawn type selected will no longer respawn at hospitals outside the active city.

- Fixed a bug where if a player applied any animation (e.g. /sit) twice, they were completely frozen the second time and could not stop the animation.
- Players' fishing rods are now stowed away when downed.
- Fixed new player referral message (Type /referral if you were referred here by another player) appearing before first spawn, meaning it disappeared as soon as they spawned.
- Fixed a bug where new players could 'inherit' the job XP from the player that last used the same player ID if this was their first game session on a newly created account.
- Fixed cops respawning at incorrect job spawnpoints after death.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2019, 04:13:37 am by Mike »

Offline C3982

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Re: Current Version - 1.1.8
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2019, 02:07:57 am »
great it's fine now :D