Author Topic: My ban appeal  (Read 814 times)

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My ban appeal
« on: September 01, 2020, 06:18:06 pm »
Ban ID (if applicable)                                                                                            3545
Your in-game name                                                                                              BODY
Ban or infraction appeal?                                                                                       infraction
Date and time of ban/infraction including timezone                                                 1/9/2020 11:14 (sousage timezone)
Ban/infraction reason and details                                                                            cop hunt
Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?                                                         yes
What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?                                                                                                           well at his report when he showed pm I was talking about advertise houses because this day many people was selling their houses , I don't really remember why I help killed him.
Any witnesses that can vouch for you?                                                                    I think if I did something wrong dabbing could report me for that but he didn't , I think this means I had right to shoot him
Any more information to provide?                                                                           I think if this was true and I did cop hunt it would be 1 infractions not 2 because I didn't know , And I'm sure 100% this flyburger was know that I was talking about houses sellers

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Re: My ban appeal
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2020, 06:53:37 pm »
hello body, upon you asking that you "might have some reason to kill him" i checked the logs and according to the logs the player "MOR" Did not kill you for the WHOLE day even a plenty of gameweeks, and considering the fact that you were innocent there was literally "NO" reason to kill or even shoot that cop while your innocent as you had no Revenge kills over him nor were you most wanted and you getting 2 points is deserved at its place because you've had previous infractions of Random deathmatch also you've broken 2 rules in there - "Cop Hunting" "Random Deathmatch" also the player - @DabbingPitbull not reporting you does not make you innocent what if he was unaware of the situation or had reported you even in game but not of forums  - with that being said the ban appeal is denied, hoping to see you in a week and do not evade or this might result in a permanent ban.