Author Topic: Quick strings  (Read 12213 times)

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Offline Mike

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Quick strings
« on: September 02, 2019, 08:43:23 pm »
Quick-strings can be used to quickly convey information in the chat.

Here is a list of available shortcuts:

$locYour current location
$playtimeTime you have played on the server
$cash $moneyYour cash balance
$score $scrYour score
$pingYour ping
$vehicle $veh $vThe name of your vehicle
$pvehicle $pveh $pvThe prefixed name of your vehicle (a/an)
$healthYour health
$armourYour armour
$cpClosest player
$rpRandom player
$nameYour name
$wantedlevel $wlYour wanted level
$level $lvlYour player level
$weaponYour held weapon
$timeCurrent time
$weatherCurrent weather
$fpsYour FPS

$susid - Closest suspect identity, such as 'Tall white male' or 'Short afrcian female'.
$suscrime - Closest suspect's most recent crime
$gps $dest - GPS destination name
$crime - Your most recent crime
$weapon - Held weapon
$ammo - Held ammo
$direction or $dir - Compass direction
$rank - Job rank
$xp - Your job XP
$achievements - Your achivement statuses
$color - Your current player color, for donator/staff embedded color in text

For example if you say 'I am in $loc', it will replace $loc with your actual location, e.g. 'I am in Market (LS)'. Use in combination with police ten-codes for even quicker communication, such as 'Suspect down in $loc'.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2019, 12:15:46 am by Mike »