Author Topic: 1.1.2  (Read 11501 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: July 28, 2019, 09:12:30 pm »
- Medkits can now be purchased from hospital menus. The medkits purchased from police locker room is now operational. Use by accessing inventory (/inv or access via interaction menu) or type /medkit. Existing /heal command (medic heal) will now redirect to /medkit if not a medic.

- Redesigned hospital menu with better display of prices.
- Fishing 'catch of the day' now announced at 5AM rather than 7AM. Gives players an additional 2 minutes to find a boat or get to a pier in the morning.
- The /rules dialog has been redesigned and decluttered slightly to make it easier to process.
- New players are now shown the rules (and cannot close them for 10 seconds) after the first spawn tutorial is over.

- Fixed eating fish fully restoring health - it will now correctly heal you based on the weight of the fish, up to 50hp.
- Fixed first spawn tutorial popup explaining commands by giving example 'Type /phone to access your phone.' which is not a feature. Changed to inventory.
- Fixed beta testers in-game status being reset.
- Significantly reduced the number of vehicles spawned in property driveways to resolve issues with players crashing near Idlewood in Los Santos.
- Fixed player inventory menu closing when selecting an item which has no response, such as weapon/fishing licence. the menu should stay open and nothing should happen.
- Fixed player 'General' stats showing 'Server play time' stat twice, once with formatted time (e.g. 4 days 5 hours and 8 minutes) and one which was just the number of seconds.
- Changed a piece of code which destroyed all player-textdraws when a player joins the server (to ensure there are no textdraws that persist after a timeout/rejoin) to hide them all instead. If an incorrect textdraw is hidden, at least it isn't destroyed creating further problems.
- Fixed 'Respawn location' setting 'Main job spawn' spawning cops always at LSPD regardless of city.
- Added a bandaid fix for players having 'tapping hand' or hotwiring animation applied after exiting a vehicle.
- Fixed a server crash caused by mishandling of inventory system when 'using' an item with no action when used.
- Fixed fish names having wrong noun prefix e.g. 'an Amberjack' or 'a Turtle' was appearing opposite e.g. 'a Amberjack' and 'an Turtle'.
- Fixed player/global fishing stats not increasing.
- Fixed 'fish caught/sold' week stat not increasing.
- Fixed beta testers in-game rank not saving.
- Fixed player health and armour being reset after rejoining the server.
- Added 'Daily Tip' spawn hint regarding armour.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2019, 12:24:36 am by Mike »