Author Topic: Events  (Read 16988 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: February 15, 2019, 02:03:04 pm »

Starting events
Events can be started in one of two ways. Events are automatically started on set days  at certain times in the game week. For example Decathlon starts automatically every Wednesday at 11am. Events will not automatically start if another event is already running.

Events can also be manually started by players by entering the checkpoint trigger at the starting location. For example the Los Santos Decathlon can be started at Santa Maria Beach. Events can only be started if no event is already running.

Joining events
Events can be joined either by typing /join, selecting Invitations on the interaction  menu or by entering the checkpoint trigger at the starting location.

To join an event you must be innocent, not have a bounty on you, not be in jail and a few other things.

Event: Decathlon
The Decathlon is a race all around San Andreas that involves ten different modes of transport:
- Run
- Swim
- Cycle
- Quad bike
- Motorbike
- Car
- Helicopter
- Boat
- Plane
- Parachute

There is one Decathlon in each city:
Santa Maria Beach, Los Santos
Bayside, San Fierro
Verdant Meadows, Las Venturas

Future events
Although the Decathlon is currently the only event available, we have many planned events which will be added in the future, including:
- BASE jumping
- Racing
- Stadium events (Dirtbike race, 8-track race, Kickstart challenge, Car sumo, monster truck derby, bloodring bowl derby and much more
« Last Edit: March 25, 2019, 08:12:11 pm by Mike »