Firefighters and Fire Stations
IntroductionJob BaseAll fire departments in San Andreas serve as a job base at which you can become a firefighter.
Name / Blip ColorFirefighters can be identified by their
Salmon name and blip color. The darker the shade, the higher their rank.
Abilities and EquipmentFirefighters have all of the same abilities and methods to earn job XP as medics, therefore you can see the medic section for more details. However, firefighters have a comparably lower revival success rate - they will still improve their success rate with higher ranks, but still not to the same level as medics.
You can also request a new firetruck via interaction menu (
Press Y) select '
Firefighter menu' and then select '
Request Firetruck'
Once you are inside a firetruck, you can also get a fire extinguisher via interaction menu (
Press Y) select '
Firefighter menu' and then select '
Take fire extinguisher'.
Commands- /revive or /cpr - Perform CPR on a downed player
- /heal - Heal a player
- /cure - Cure a player's diseases
Rewards- Providing CPR to player you gain 5 XP
- Providing HEAL to player gain 3 XP
- Providing CURE to player gain 3 XP
Job eventsThey can also respond to the daily job events which reward them with money and points.
Additionally, all firefighters are equipped with a fire extinguisher.
Fire Department locationsThere are
3 Fire Departments spread around San Andreas.
They are represented on the radar and map by this icon:

You can navigate to closest one by using command
/gps fire department.
All locationsSingle locationFire Department, Los Santos
Fire Department, Las Venturas
Fire Department, San Fierro
Job eventsBuilding fire: Extinguish large building fires before they spread.
Fire scene investigation: Investigate a recent fire scene for clues.
Trashcan fire: Extinguish a burning trash can. (
$500 and
5 XP)
RanksRank | XP Needed | Blip Color |
Rank 1 | 0 | Color |
Rank 2 | 50 | Color |
Rank 3 | 100 | Color |
Rank 4 | 250 | Color |
Rank 5 | 500 | Color |
Rank 6 | 1000 | Color |
Rank 7 | 2000 | Color |
Rank 8 | 3000 | Color |
Rank 9 | 4000 | Color |
Rank 10 | 5000 | Color |