Author Topic: 1.7 (Anniversary update)  (Read 22993 times)

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Offline Mike

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1.7 (Anniversary update)
« on: April 21, 2020, 11:37:51 pm »

Version 1.7

Bayside makeover
Bayside has been given some much-needed love and attention:
- Added Ammunation
- Added Sheriff station
- Added general store
- Added gas station
- Added diner
- Added Prolaps clothes shop
- Added bait shop
- Added 3 ATMs (at gas station, store, and diner).
- Added Chilli dog stand
- Added more vehicles

Find more info and pics below.

Time trial improvements
- Added 2 time trials in LV (there were none in LV!).
- You can now view any time trial's leaderboard with /leaderboard, along with an overview of the #1 spot for each time trial.
- Minor redesign to leaderboard textdraws.
- Added an info pickup and label next to each time trial starting point which shows the leaderboard when entered.
- Leaderboard no longer hides itself automatically after the mission.
- Added 3 new daily objectives relating to time trials.
- Time shown in leaderboards is now milliseconds not seconds.
- Time trial vehicles can no longer be pushed from their spawn position, to ensure they are always there.
- Added anti-cheat detection for time trials being completed too quickly. It won't add the attempt to the leaderboard.
- Finish checkpoint is now a checkered flag rather than an empty checkpoint.
- NOTE: All time trial leaderboards have been wiped.

- You can now purchase a Jerry Can at any gas station checkpoint (just like engine/tire repair kits). It will add 25% fuel to your vehicle when used.
- Gas station checkpoint menu can now be accessed on-foot, meaning you don't need to be inside a vehicle to purchase repair kits. You can also go on/off duty as a Mechanic from a vehicle. Passengers can also buy repair kits.
- Score is now awarded (+2) when scrapping vehicles.
- Bank robbery now awards score (+1 for collecting bag and +10 for reaching the hideout).
- Mechanics can now tow stolen or damaged vehicles to the nearest gas station for a bonus. Press sub-mission (2) to find the closest towable vehicle.
- Added many new ATMs all over San Andreas. Type '/gps atm' to find the closest to you.
- Added GPS help section to /help. Also accessible from the /gps menu.
- Added a cop spawnpoint to Bayside's new sheriff station.
- Added /gps shortcuts for atms, payphones, zones and map waypoints. For example you can now type '/gps atm' or '/gps phone' to find ATMs and payphones.
- Sheriff interior mapping improvements, including addition of missing door and added collision to cell doors and beds.
- Added a warning message when bribing or using a pay 'n' spray that 'evade 5 or 6 wanted stars' daily objective is now void.
- /settings 'Spawn location' setting now shows which property you've selected to spawn outside/inside of.

- Attempting to purchase an item of which you already hold the maximum permitted quantity will now show a more meaningful error (you are already holding the maximum permitted quantity, not 'no room in inventory).
- Increased player referral bonus from $2,500 to $5,000. Refer a player to MCNR with /refer and you'll both get $5k!
- Players' animations are no longer reset when entering a checkpoint on-foot, stopping them in their tracks.
- Increased the time you are allowed to return into a mission vehicle before it fails from 10 seconds to 15.
- Improvements to /GPS help system, including '/gps help', '/gps cmds' and '/gps shortcuts'. Shortcuts is now a full comprehensive list.
- GPS destination will no longer be set if the existing GPS destination is close to the new one.
- GPS 'destination too close, route not calculated' is now defined as 50 meters not 100.
- Stat and achievement for Mechanic job events completed changed to 'vehicles towed' until job events are added.
- Changed /settings initial spawn option 'Choice' to 'Spawn selection'.
- The button to offer services to a player from a vehicle is now HORN for all jobs (Medic, Mechanic and Prostitute), as it makes logical sense, and consistency is nice, also sub-mission (2) is now used for Mechanic 'towable vehicle finder'.
- Fuel price reduced from $3 per percent to $2 per percent.
- All players' held or placed boomboxes are now removed on city change.
- You can now use Pay 'n' Spray to evade cops even if they can see your blip, as long as they are a fair distance away (500m). If they are too close, you're now informed of this.

- Fixed vehicle second color list ('More', donator only option) at gas station not giving the correct color when a color was selected.
- Fixed personal vehicle 'List all' vehicles stored in property garage not showing property name (was showing 'Failed to load property name').
- Disabled the Discord bot feature which shows online player count under the MCNR bot's name in Discord as it keeps crashing the server.
- Fixed incorrect ammo being given if stealing another player's supply drop.
- Fixed possibility of players players teleporting down into the vault when entering the bank.
- Fixed passengers that are ejected from a personal vehicle that been returned to storage being frozen.
- Fixed an issue where desert eagle c-bug detection could trigger when shooting right after crouching or standing up.
- Fixed cops becoming a Securicar guard when entering the Securicar as a passenger. They are supposed to stay as a cop. This was corrupting cop/civ weapon loadouts.
- Fixed players keeping temporary Securicar guard skin after dying and relogging or ending the mission.
- Disabled Discord verification nickname checks, as it was causing mass spam in the #verified channel and members' DMs. Discord nicknames will be set when verifying and when in-game names are changed, but won't continually be integrity-checked.
- Fixed missing GPS sub-command '/gps mission'.
- Fixed Securicar dollar icon persisting on the map after a player relogs.
- Fixed Securicar skipping the active collection location if the location is robbed, rather than just selecting a new collection location.
- Fixed Securicar mission selecting duplicate collection destinations.
- Fixed 'wrong password' error box text cutting off.
- Fixed downed players 'surfing' vehicles not being killed. Any player surfing a moving vehicle while downed will now die.
- Fixed 'vehicle objectives' (yellow cones above vehicles to identify them as an objective vehicle) resetting for all players if any player quit.
- Fixed player transaction history returning to page 2 after selecting 'next page' on the last page. It should remain on the last page.
- The /report vote-to-kick feature will now only work if no admins are online.
- Fixed 5-star and 6-star wanted level evasion daily objective resetting if a crime is committed.
- Fixed /setting for spawning inside/outside property when multiple properties are owned (it should have shown a box to select which property).
- Disabled /weapondrop when holding a tazer as it can corrupt ammo in your pistol slot.
- Fixed Mechanic 'Customers served' stat and therefore achievement not progressing.
- Fixed Securicar mission failure when guards defend the Securicar (accused of crime).

As usual, massive thanks to all staff members for continuing the drive to keep MCNR safe and fun. Your hard work is extremely valuable!

Also big thank you to everyone that has donated, no matter how small. I do this project in my spare time (a lot more spare time recently, ty corona) and donations help cover the costs of running the server so thank you so much. If you haven't donated, check out the list of rewards here. Thanks!

Revision 1
- Disabled MOTD (message of the day) popup as it was causing a server crash.

Revision 2
- Added a Mechanic spawnpoint to Bayside gas station.
- Increased Mechanic's reward for towing a vehicle from $100 and 1 score to $325 and 2 score.
- Re-enabled MOTD as the crash is now fixed.
- Fixed ATM clipping into the wall at Angel Pine gas station.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2020, 08:27:44 am by Mike »

Offline Mike

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Re: Current Version - 1.7 (Anniversary update)
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2020, 11:38:12 pm »
Bayside has been neglected for a long time. It sits in an awkward position between SF and LV, and I could never decide which city it actually belonged to, so I decided on both. You're able to spawn there in either city.

To give Bayside some long-sought love and attention, 8 new locations have been added in Bayside:

A new general store:

A new gas station:

A new diner/restaurant:

A new Ammunation:

A new bait shop:

A new Prolaps clothes shop:

A new chillidog stand:

A new sheriff station:

Also included are some additional vehicle spawns (including two predator police boats in the marina) and 3 new ATMs at the new gas station, general store and diner.


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Re: Current Version - 1.7 (Anniversary update)
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2020, 12:27:36 am »
i know i should be making a suggestion thread instead, but wouldnt it make more sense if bayside was the best fishing spot(as in, the rarest and most expensive fish would be located there)?not only would it give a lot more functionality but would also crowd the place.

apart from that, awesome job on the update.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2020, 12:29:58 am by nxy »

Offline Mazen

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Re: Current Version - 1.7 (Anniversary update)
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2020, 12:31:38 am »
Thank you for the update

Offline Dudesdog

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Re: Current Version - 1.7 (Anniversary update)
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2020, 01:17:07 am »
i know i should be making a suggestion thread instead, but wouldnt it make more sense if bayside was the best fishing spot(as in, the rarest and most expensive fish would be located there)?not only would it give a lot more functionality but would also crowd the place.

apart from that, awesome job on the update.

I think this would stop players from fishing anywhere else... Wouldn't you drive all the way from LS to Bayside to fish if you had higher chances of getting legendary fish? I would.

Great update Mike, glad to see Bayside getting some attention!

Offline Achilles_

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Re: Current Version - 1.7 (Anniversary update)
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2020, 03:03:10 am »
Perfect update!

Offline HunK

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Re: Current Version - 1.7 (Anniversary update)
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2020, 03:19:21 am »
As always nice updates dude, Keep up the good work mike!!

Offline quail

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Re: Current Version - 1.7 (Anniversary update)
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2020, 03:25:51 am »
First thanks for great update
Second most fixed changed and additions i loved it
additions bayside
mechanic job additions
add score to robbing bank
or summary All
« Last Edit: April 22, 2020, 07:44:50 am by Zain »

Offline Parzival

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Re: Current Version - 1.7 (Anniversary update)
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2020, 07:23:00 am »
Thanks Mike!

Offline YellowFlash

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Re: Current Version - 1.7 (Anniversary update)
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2020, 06:58:27 pm »
Nice, putting a hostpital there and bayside will be complete.

Offline RazaDaAli55

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Re: Current Version - 1.7 (Anniversary update)
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2020, 11:31:08 am »
i know i should be making a suggestion thread instead, but wouldnt it make more sense if bayside was the best fishing spot(as in, the rarest and most expensive fish would be located there)?not only would it give a lot more functionality but would also crowd the place.

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Re: Current Version - 1.7 (Anniversary update)
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2020, 12:20:36 pm »
Thanks for the update!! been going to bayside for a while now as it was always peacefull. now there is plenty to do. xD CRIMINAL_MINDED