Author Topic: 1.6 R1  (Read 20870 times)

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Offline Mike

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1.6 R1
« on: April 05, 2020, 11:21:00 pm »

Version 1.6

This update contains a lot of fixes an improvements, and some cool new features. Check out the meaty changelog below.

Fuel system improvements
- Added a textdraw display when refuelling a vehicle.
- Made the refuelling checkpoint smaller and the label darker and less bold.
- Adjusted the position of the checkpoint for some vehicles where the checkpoint was appearing inside the vehicle, such as the BF Injection.
- If a player fails to pay the full price of the fuel they add, it is now a crime. Before, if you added $100 worth of fuel and only had $99 on you, you weren't charged and it would say 'Not enough cash'. It will now charge you what you have, then add the rest onto your ticket (plus a $100 fine).

- All server-sided HUD elements are now hidden when a player's drunk level is high enough to hide the GTA HUD elements.
- Police pursuit unit vehicles now have visual mods such as spoilers and sideskirts.
- Improved text and added animations when medic heals or cures a player.
- Player's individual crime history now shows wanted level before and after committing the crime. No longer shows their name (as it's all their crimes).
- Added hip-hop station to boombox.
- Locate a specific vehicle (some exclusions) or weapon (some exclusions) via payphones (for a fee).
- Locate the closest bribe star pickup via payphones (for a fee).
- New vehicle storage garages in El Quebrados, Bayside, Angel Pine and Commerce (Pershing Square, near to LSPD).
- Suspects can now evade the cops in aircraft if the fly low enough to the ground. Previously suspects in air vehicles could be seen from anywhere on the map due to radar. This gives a counter to that.
- Cops that spray other cops or innocent civilians with spraycan/fire extinguisher will now have the choking animation applied to themselves as a deterrent.
- Added an entrance/exit to Jizzy's Pleasure Domes on the roof skylight.
- Refuelling system redesign. Checkpoint made smaller, text made to look more subtle, and a new textdraw to show fuel and price when pumping.
- Players are now accused of a crime if they don't have the funds to cover the cost of the gas they add to vehicles.
- Properties can now be sold to the bank instantly for 75% of the market value.
- Locate a specific model of vehicle from a payphone. It will be marked as a GPS destination.
- Players can now reset their password through Discord. The player must have verified their Discord account by linking it to their in-game account. Once this is done, players can DM the bot '/password' for instructions.
- Added commands /ach /achs /achi which are shorter alternative commands to /achievements.

- You can now store a personal vehicle (and call another one) while someone else is in your active personal vehicle. They will be ejected and the vehicle will despawn after 1 minute.
- Personal vehicle list now shows if the vehicle is active or occupied, and vehicle name is highlighted yellow to show vehicles without paperwork.
- It is now much harder to break into a player's personal vehicle and hotwire it. The owner will also be notified of break-in attempts.
- Break-in and hotwiring time of non-personal vehicles reduced.
- Bank robbery no longer possible in the minute before city change.
- Whisper and shout range is now reduced when you are in a vehicle.
- Crime history is now limited to 30 most recent (was 50). There simply isn't enough space in 4096 characters (SA-MP dialog limit) to display more. I may add 'pages' in the future to go further back 30 at a time but I don't deem it necessary right now.
- Reduced the streaming radius of boomboxes by 20 meters so you can place boomboxes slightly closer to an existing one.
- Boombox label now shows volume.
- Boombox label will now update to match the owner's name color when it changes.
- Boombox label now visible from a further distance.
- Boombox label outline removed so it doesn't stand out as much.
- Boombox menu now has a gap to separate stations from options.
- Picking up dropped throwables (e.g. grenades) will now only take what you can carry. For example if you have 4 grenades and someone drops 5, you'll only take 1 (to have 5) and the droped grenades will turn to 4 dropped grenades (you only take 1).
- Corrected name of 'Jefferson vehicle storage' to 'Idlewood vehicle storage' in /gps.
- Boombox can now be placed inside houses.
- Changed the way forbidden throwable weapons work in interiors. Instead of disallowing the player to select the weapon, throwable weapons are now confiscated when you enter an interior and returned when you exit. This means you can scroll through your other weapons without the frustration of not being able to scroll past your throwables slot.
- Fuel price has been increased 3x.
- You can now enter food trucks (Mr. Whoopee and Hotdog) without gaining a wanted level, as it counts as a 'job'. Added a tutorial popup explaining this when first entering a food truck.
- Picking up throwable weapons that appear randomly around the map no longer adds 5, which was allowing players to exceed the 5 throwables limit. It will now only add 1. If you have 3 Satchels and you pick up a grenade, you'll now have 1 grenade ('ammo' won't carry over).
- When walking over a weapon which is going to replace an existing weapon if you press crouch, the pickup no longer disappear until you press crouch if it's a throwable or a weapon that doesn't support ammo e.g. a bat. No need to remove the pickup if you don't want it.
- Replacing a weapon by pressing crouch on a pickup will now show a message to explain what happened.
- You can now collect bribe star pickups while 'in sight of the cops' i.e. they can see your blip, but aren't actually too close to you (100 meters).
- Selecting 'Rob' in player interaction menu no longer keeps the menu open after a failed robbery.
- Airport gates will now open for medic/fire.
- Player-to-player cash transfer limit increased from $5,000 to $50,000 daily.
- ATM deposit and withdrawal limit increased from $50,000 to $100,000.
- Time required away from cops to lose a wanted star decreased slightly (by 10 seconds per star, so 60 seconds less for wanted level 6).
- GPS destination red 'waypoint' map icon is now on the destination coordinates, not the nearest road.
- Reduced the frequency of GPS route recalculating from every 2 seconds to every 5 seconds in a vehicle and every 30 seconds on-foot. This is to reduce lag on the server at peak times, which is becoming more noticable. Other measures will be implemented soon with the same aim.
- Login screen criminal driver NPC now has random mods on their vehicle. Because why not.
- Increased treasure hunt prize from 10-25k to 15-30k.
- Spawn selection now shows spawn type e.g. cop spawns, medic spawns etc.
- Spawn selection POI box redesigned to be smaller.

- Boombox is now available to purchase in 24/7 and general store again. Sorry for missing it out!
- Fixed players having an additional boombox added into their inventory each time they picked up a boombox.
- Fixed issue where if a player didn't have an SMG they couldn't drive-by with the other compatible weapons they have. Script will check favourite, then SMG, then pistol, then shotgun, then assault rifle, and give the first it finds. Favourite can be set in /settings 'vehicle' category.
- Fixed wanted stars stopping flashing and staying grey when trespassing in a restricted area while evading the cops. They should become solid color to match your wanted level not grey.
- Fixed issue that could see labels (specifically the labels on properties and garages) being wrongly destroyed.
- Fixed Satchel Charge 'detonator' slot showing a blank weapon icon in the HUD.
- Fixed /settings 'Show player nametags' setting resetting when players respawn.
- Fixed 'Cane' weapon unusable due to 'ammo' having to be set to 1 not 0 like all other melee weapons (except shovel).
- Extended area definition for 'Prickle Pine' north slightly as part of it just said 'Las Venturas'.
- Fixed players being able to use animations while in strip club lap dance room.
- Fixed an issue where if a player threatened any world (e.g. the bank) while any other player was in a lap dance, it would end the lap dance for the world disturber not the player in the lap dance. The world disturber would be teleported to the strip club.
- Fixed two players being able to enter the strip club lapdance at the same exact time.
- Fixed opening/closing a dialog in the strip club lapdance causing the player to stand up.
- Fixed bank robbery not ending properly if city changes.
- Added fix for an infinite loop issue that could cause the server to hang and be unplayable.
- Fixed issue with paused vehicle drivers that got carjacked being accused of GTA on their own legally-bought personal vehicles.
- Fixed changing a /setting with more than 2 options (shows a list) not returning to the settings menu after.
- Fixed sniper sway effect remaining after stopped aiming.
- Fixed an issue where carjacking a player that was in a vehicle with the engine running would cause the player to have to hotwire the vehicle.
- Fixed non-legitimately-bought personal vehicles spawning locked.
- Fixed legitimately-bought personal vehicles spawning unlocked.
- Fixed player 'crimes committed' stat increasing when calling 911.
- Fixed an issue where if player A started to break into a vehicle, and player B broke into it successfully, player A would continue to break in when pressing ENTER/F rather than entering it as its' unlocked.
- Added protection againsts cheaters being able to spoof invalid body part damage causing a buffer overflow.
- Fixed issue where CPR inside an interior could cause the medic to go through walls.
- Fixed hood vents not appearing on vehicles when first loaded.
- Fixed an issue in the sprayable gang tags script that was causing random other objects part of other scripts/features to be destroyed when a player left the server. Was likely the cause of shooting range targets going missing and supply drops not landing. Would also cause gang tags to be sprayed over for yourself even if you hadn't sprayed them.
- Fixed house robbery hideout being randomly re-selected when exiting and re-entering a vehicle.
- Fixed some Discord commands such as /citychange not working.

As usual, massive thanks to all staff members for continuing the drive to keep MCNR safe and fun. Your hard work is extremely valuable!

Also big thank you to everyone that has donated, no matter how small. I do this project in my spare time (a lot more spare time recently, ty corona) and donations help cover the costs of running the server so thank you so much. If you haven't donated, check out the list of rewards here. Thanks!

Revision 1
- Fixed supply drops not being able to be picked up.
- Height above ground to evade cops is increased from 20 to 35.
- Ability to evade cops while flying low in aircraft is now advertised in chat when you enter an aircraft while wanted.
- Fixed weapon pickups around the map giving ammo each time you run over them if it's a replacement weapon.
- Fixed dropped player weapons giving the player the ammo the player already had, not the ammo the pickup should give.
- Fixed week day display disappearing.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2020, 10:13:10 pm by Mike »

Offline Mazen

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Re: Current Version - 1.6
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2020, 06:21:53 pm »
Thank you for the update nice work

Offline sousage

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Re: Current Version - 1.6
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2020, 06:24:11 pm »
major update?
fell from heaven to establish his own kingdom.
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Offline Xx_Clara_Cynthia_xX

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Re: Current Version - 1.6
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2020, 06:47:34 pm »
Eee too much words that i can't read them all..but good update tho :thumbsup: 100x

Offline Blackk

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Re: Current Version - 1.6
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2020, 06:51:24 pm »
Perfect update  ;D
YTB - Edison CnR

Offline WangZord

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Re: Current Version - 1.6
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2020, 07:40:11 pm »
Pog Update!!! Thank you for your hardwork ;D

Offline Mike

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Current Version - 1.6 R1
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2020, 07:49:57 pm »
Revision 1
- Fixed supply drops not being able to be picked up.
- Height above ground to evade cops is increased from 20 to 35.
- Ability to evade cops while flying low in aircraft is now advertised in chat when you enter an aircraft while wanted.
- Fixed weapon pickups around the map giving ammo each time you run over them if it's a replacement weapon.
- Fixed dropped player weapons giving the player the ammo the player already had, not the ammo the pickup should give.
- Fixed week day display disappearing.

Offline howl

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Re: Current Version - 1.6 R1
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2020, 08:14:50 pm »
good stuff

Offline XomoX

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Re: Current Version - 1.6 R1
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2020, 11:14:42 pm »
Nice Work

Offline RazaDaAli55

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Re: Current Version - 1.6 R1
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2020, 12:24:52 am »
Great update..

Offline GtaFreak

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Re: Current Version - 1.6 R1
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2020, 12:49:02 am »
Good job! Keep up the great work.

Offline Parzival

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Re: Current Version - 1.6 R1
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2020, 11:26:30 am »
Thank you for this much effort, Mike!

Offline ranja

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Re: Current Version - 1.6 R1
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2020, 01:36:59 pm »
Astonishing job, you really know how to manage your 'baby' as in all of this. Marvelous work.