Author Topic: 1.5  (Read 16000 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: February 25, 2020, 09:21:05 pm »

Version 1.5

New official rules: Cops are not allowed to work with criminals in any way under any circumstances. You should not seek revenge kills after a city change.

Shooting range improvements:
- The 'mission complete' stats box now shows stats including weapon used, skill increase, new skill percentage and new skill level bracket. Was showing a $25 mission payout before which wasn't meant to be there.
- Will now apply reload animation when player selects a weapon.
- Will now show existing skill levels in weapon selection list.
- Will now hide info popups as they can obstruct the view of the range.
- Fixed players being able to shoot before the first target is down.
- Fixed players' last bullet making the Ammunation world 'scared' and disabling the Ammunation shop menu. Player's weapon set to fist when the mission ends.
- Mission panel will now update instantly when targets are shot, and will now show skill increase throughout the activity. The weapon used will also be shown.
- 'Target(s) eliminated' text is now shown on-screen with a sound effect when targets are taken down.
- Slightly reduced skill gained from shooting range. One round was awarding over 10% skill meaning you'd only have to use it 10 times to max out a gun. Remember that any bullet you fire that hits a player/vehicle increases your skill level by 0.01% also. The shooting range is just meant to be a boost.
- Shooting range now costs $115 to enter. You're sort of paying for extra weapon skill.

Daily objectives:
- All references to 'Daily CHALLENGES' have been changed to 'Daily OBJECTIVES' for consistency.
- Daily objectives are now properly reset at midnight GMT exactly. This is to enable more accuracy of the following change.
- Daily objectives will now show how long until they are reset (time until midnight GMT).
- Daily objectives are now displayed in a list dialog rather than in chat.
- Daily objectives now show score reward as well as cash.
- Cash rewards for daily objectives have been slightly reduced.
- You can now request 3 new daily objectives for $500. You must not have completed any of them yet. There is no limit on this. You can keep requesting new challenges indefinitely.
- Players will now be shown the message stating outstanding objectives a couple of seconds after spawn rather than immediately on spawn so they don't get lost in chat or appear before MOTD etc.
- Interaction menu 'Daily objectives' item now shows how many objectives you've completed.
- Once a daily objective is completed, it will now show the player how many other challenges are left to complete and how to access the list.
- Selecting a daily objective from the list will show extra help and guidance on completing the objective. These help texts were always present in the database but never integrated.
- Consecutive daily objective completion days is now shown to players.
- You can toggle the new dialog display off in /settings (display) and go back to using the old chat display if you prefer. You can still request new daily objectives with /newobj this way.

- Fishing line will no longer start to become damaged straight away when a fish is hooked if you don't reel it in. It will allow 2 seconds to start reeling.
- If you stop reeling the fish in, it will now take 1 second for the line to start being damaged again. This was previously half a second.
- It is now made clear to the player why the line is being damaged.
- When a fish is caught and needs to be reeled in, the weight of the fish is now shown on-screen.
- Heavier fish must be reeled in more slowly to avoid damaging the line. You can no longer spam the spacebar at light speed or use keybinds to instantly reel in a fish.
- Fishing line will now be reeled in slightly faster with each tap due to new limit on how fast it can be tapped.
- Fish will now bite the line a little sooner, especially if baited.
- Removed on-screen text 'Line cast'. Unnecessary screen clutter.
- Added stat record for 'Biggest fish caught'.
- Your biggest catch (by weight) is shown in chat when you break your record.
- You can see your biggest catch with /fishrecord.
- Added a stat and matching achievement for catching the bonus fish (catch of the day).

Crimes and wanted levels:
- Public urination is now a crime if other players are nearby.
- Police reception crime history now shows locations for all crimes.
- Crime history will now show the suspect's name even after they have disconnected and it will re-link the crime(s) to that player if they re-join the server and cops will be informed.
- Players that punch a player (Assault) and then shoot a player (Assault with a deadly weapon) were not being charged for the second crime - they should have been.
- When your wanted level increases, it now shows an explanation of that wanted level. For example 'Wanted level: 5 - Major felon (Arrestable)'.

Fixes and improvements to the clothing inventory and editing systems:
- Clothes purchasing menu will no longer close when attempting to purchase an item that is already owned.
- Changing bone while editing an item will no longer show the attachment editor interface on top of the dialog.
- Pressing ESC while selecting to change bone in the editor will no longer end editing, just cancel the bone change and return to the editor.
- When wearing an item, the bone previously used will be highlighted green. Selecting that bone will use previously used offsets.
- Fixed issue with players becoming frozen after closing certain dialogs inside interiors. This was causing players to be unable to move the camera while in editor.
- Added 'Unwear all' option. Select any worn item for this option.
- Worn items are now shown first in the clothing inventory.
- Cleaned up /clotheseditor help dialog. Tt was all teal color and looked ugly.

Also new:
- You can now hold up to 3 medkits (purchase from a hospital). Also added /mk shorter alternative command to /medkit.
- You can now press N while downed to revive yourself using a medkit (if owned).
- Medkit now has a progress bar to use it. It takes 5 seconds to use and an animation will be applied while it is being used.
- Reviving a player now shows a progress bar.
- You can now end an ATM robbery by pressing any key.
- Supply drop now makes a sound when landing.
- Added stat and achievement for 'Players referred'.
- Added a stat for food bought from food trucks, and an achievement to go with it.
- Achievement for Pay 'n' Spray and modshop uses is now multi-tier.
- Added an achievement to jump into water while on fire. Unfortunately GTA: SA doesn't put the fire out, but as long as you don't die it will count once the fire is out.

- When viewing a script changelog (/changelog) and pressing 'close' on a changelog, the list of changelogs is now re-opened rather than just closing.
- Cops are now set off-duty when jailed by an admin.
- Medics and firefighters no longer get a vigilante bonus for taking down most wanted players.
- You can no longer waste money re-learning the same fighting style at a gym.
- When a medic tries to offer services to a recently attacked player they are now shown a message to show why they cannot rather than just nothing happening.
- If a medic offers to heal a player and then that player attacks someone (or gets attacked) and then accepts the service, it now states to the medic that they cannot be healed due to the attack, not that they rejected the service.
- /achievements will now show color highlighting to denote none, partial or full completion of categories just like the achivements inside categories. Will also show total tiers/completion at the bottom rather than in the dialog caption (not enough room).
- Increased referrer referral bonus from $1000 to $2500. Use /refer to refer a new player to MCNR for $2500!
- Validating a referral code will now show the referrer's name (e.g. 'Verified Mike's referral code').
- Property invites (/api) can no longer be accepted when recently attacked or with a bounty active.
- /loc now takes into account interiors and will show direction and distance to the external entrance.
- /loc now shows which city police department the player is in if jailed.
- Made scenic vehicles in CSI job event invulnerable.
- Cuff range increased very slightly. Too many occurances of 'not close enough to cuff player'.
- Changed logic when pressing N to cuff/ticket/arrest nearby suspects. Will prioritise higher wanted level players, and then prioritise the closest player. Should fix inability to cuff/arrest suspects if another suspect is nearby.
- Cop animation for when a suspect breaks out of cuffs has been changed to one that doesn't incapacitate the cop for as long. The suspect will also have an animation applied while attempting to break free from the cuffs.
- Cops that are damaged while cuffing someone now stop cuffing.
- Animation for cuffing changed to similar one that doesn't stop and start. Same for engine repair animation.
- Sniper bolt-action animation changed from 'pistol reload' to 'rifle reload'.
- Slight tweaks to weapon damage values. Namely desert eagle increased damage, Tec/Uzi reduced damage, silenced pistol increased damage.

- Fixed question mark icon not showing in Treasure Hunt when too many other icons nearby.
- Animations can no longer be used while robbing an ATM to cancel the animation.
- ATM robberies now end on death/arrest/cuff.
- Fixed invisible LV bank exterior.
- Fixed 'Unpaid ticket' crime committing after bribe.
- Fixed an issue where certain daily objectives could be re-completed after relogging.
- Fixed an exploit to get around the sniper sway.
- KACC military fuel no longer gives players a wanted level for trespassing while trucking.
- Fixed cop and cuffed suspect still seeing 'escort to jail' subtitles after bribe.
- Airport gate guard no longer shows 'You killed the cashier' message when shot.
- Internally iproved the way daily challenges reset. They will now reset at midnight GMT exactly.
- Fixed double percentage sign in 'Explore 25%% of San Andreas' achievement display.
- Achievements that should have been unlocked (player stats value is above achievement requirement) are now unlocked on first spawn if needed.
- Fixed achievement tier name in cash transactions showing next tier name e.g. 'Headhunter III' cash would show as 'Headhunter IV'.
- Removed leftover debug messages (walk/drive) from introduction tutorial NPC scenes.
- Blocked off some map exploits (details undisclosed).
- Gas station 'vehicle repair' now actually charges the player. Also the price will now be based on the damage. You can also repair your vehicle here for cheap when it's only visual damage.
- Fixed firefighter/medic menu (in interaction menu) not displaying if the player had a job offer.
- Fixed job event name for firefighter sometimes showing as 'Vehicle fire' instead of 'Fire scene investigation'.
- Fire scene investigation 'job complete' box no longer shows 'Suspects questioned' and 'Suspect captured' stats for firefighters.
- Re-cuffed suspects (cuffed with stronger cuffs) will no longer have stronger cuffs applied for the remainder of their game session. It will reset the 'strong cuff' status of a player on death/arrest.
- Fixed an issue where pressing LALT after evading the cops after not paying your ticket will show 'No ticket to pay' (you're innocent).
- Removed a GPS road node near LVPD which allowed requested personal vehicles to  spawn in the same place as a parked vehicle.

Huge thank you to all the beta testers that have helped test things and to everyone that has reported issues. Thank you to everyone that continues to play MCNR and I hope this update is positively received as I put a lot of time and effort into it. Thanks!
« Last Edit: May 14, 2020, 12:18:23 am by Mike »

Offline Mike

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Re: Current version - 1.5
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2020, 10:08:46 pm »
Hah, this topic was my 1000th post on these forums. Go me!

Offline ranja

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Re: Current version - 1.5
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2020, 10:34:54 pm »
Very neat updates! I have read them all and I've seen some stuff that I don't even knew they were there, or they did that and whatnot. I can't imagine the time and effort you have had put into v.1.5 I just feel like this is something you like to do and you can have our support for anything, really. Great job, Mike, you're awesome!

Offline Neil.

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Re: Current version - 1.5
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2020, 11:24:09 pm »
Good updates but when will be last update

Offline Funtastic Power

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Re: Current version - 1.5
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2020, 04:52:51 am »
Oh damn that's a hell of an update I like them, and I hope the players will like it too well done on the effort mike!

Hah, this topic was my 1000th post on these forums. Go me!
Congrats for being the biggest forum spammer lol