Author Topic: 1.4.6  (Read 14770 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: January 28, 2020, 02:41:56 am »

Version 1.4.6

- House robbery hideout can now be changed with /hideout just like bank robberies.
- You can now submit a request for a name change for staff to review, rather than asking staff to change it right away (when they may be busy, or none may be online). Use /name to submit a name change request and wait for a staff response. If you are offline when the name change is approved you will be asked to go ahead with the change the next time you come online (with your existing name). You can change name again after 30 days. If your name change request is denied you can submit a new request after 24 hours.

- Slightly reduced shooting range sideways target speed for max level weapons.
- Fishing 'Catch of the Day' now states the rarity of the fish.
- Fishing 'Catch of the Day' now awards a higher cash prize the rarer the fish is. Overall prize decreased from $5000 to $3000 and $4000 for rare and very rare fish respsectively.
- Bank robbery hideout can no longer be within 2km.
- /settings 'Reset account' option now gives more verbose explanation of what is reset to warn players more. Dialog also cannot be closed for 10 seconds.
- /settings 'Immersion mode' now clarifies what it does (toggle HUD).
- House safe robberies now capped at $5k from $50k.
- Auto GPS destination now set for bank robbery hideout and house robbery hideouts. Will update if changed with /hideout.
- Main city bank entrance fade in loading time reduced by 2 seconds. Floor is now fully solid and players will never fall.
- Added command /hit which explains how to place a bounty at a payphone.
- Selecting a GPS destination that is too close will now inform the player of this rather than simply doing nothing.
- Bribe offers are now cancelled when a player is released from jail. Cops were able to parole someone then /deny their bribe and give them a wanted level.

- Fixed an issue where players would be unable to control their character after wearing an item of clothing with only one attachment bone which automatically gets worn.
- Fixed personal vehicles color, paintjob and mods not being saved if they were added by the script rather than via a modshop.
- Fixed issue where exiting and re-entering a vehicle with over 95% fuel in a gas station would prompt you to enter the checkpoint to refuel but refuelling is only possible below 95% fuel.
- Removed sound of target moving from shooting range for the first target as it does not move.
- Fixed issue with shooting range targets sometimes not appearing.
- Fixed issue with shooting range targets sometimes not detecting that all the target sections have been shot.
- Fixed an issue where when an item of clothing is worn it does not change its 'worn' status in /clothes or save after you relog for players with a 5-digit account ID (query string too short by 1 character!).
- Fixed GPS 'San Andreas Zones' only working for the first 42 zones in the list.
- Fixed GPS 'Properties' destination list sometimes showing a random error which should only happen if a yellow-entrance-marker destination is selected e.g. Ammunation or Bank.
- Fixed Securicar robber subtitle text 'Go to the hideout' and hideout checkpoint remaining after Securicar mission ends (e.g. vehicle gets destroyed).
- Fixed Securicar map dollar icon remaining for players after the mission ends (e.g. the vehicle is destroyed).
- Fixed an issue where the Securicar player is not ejected from the Securicar if they end the mission.
- Fixed players being killed by the anti-CJ-animation anti-cheat when they walk while spawning before their skin gets set.
- Fixed bank robbery 'Go to the hideout' subtitle text remaining after bank robbery reset.
- Fixed issue where collecting a bank robbery bag dropped by another player after you had one (or picking up your own after death/arrest) would not create a hideout checkpoint.
- Fixed issue with player personal/job vehicle map icons (blue car icon) persisting on map after they quit.
- Added missing GPS route nodes around North Rock to allow GPS to work with North Rock robbery hideout.
- Fixed taxi fare breaking if selected destination was too close.
- Fixed taxi driver seeing error 'Cannot advertise taxi service while you have a fare' after completing a fare. It will now correctly re-advertise your services after a fare is completed.
- Fixed a collision issue on LV airport terminal where players could stand inside the wall and shoot out of it.

Revision 1
- Enabled new name change system (update 1.4.6). Use /name to request a name change for staff to approve.
- Fixed leftover datagbase query debug message shown in chat on first spawn.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2020, 05:30:52 pm by Mike »

Offline typtics

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Re: Current Version - 1.4.6
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2020, 02:48:18 am »

- House robbery hideout can now be changed with /hideout just like bank robberies.

Finnaly can change hideout :V Good work Mike

Offline _.please_delete

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Re: Current Version - 1.4.6
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2020, 08:33:11 am »
Great update! Appreciate your efforts :)
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