Author Topic: 1.0.21  (Read 11868 times)

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Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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  • MCNR name: Mike
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« on: June 07, 2019, 10:33:57 pm »
- Added cop XP bonuses for being nearby arrests/cuffs/takedowns etc.
- Cops now get XP for cuffing suspects.
-  'Rich' category vehicles can now be purchased from high-end vehicle dealerships.
- Added option on the interaction menu to return a personal vehicle to storage.

- Increased cash given to new players as a starting bonus from $500 to $1000.
- Increased bank robbery payout.
- Players can no longer heal themselves by any means (e.g. through a medic, eating, at a hospital etc.) when recently attacked.
- Cops no longer get the 'vehicle theft' crime when taking a bike rental from the airport.
- Increased range for players to pay a ticket from to a cop.
- Added more details information about DMing in /rules (/dm for more info).
- /whisper and /shout no longer play animation in a vehicle.
- Increased bank withdrawal limit to 10000.
- Minimum bank withdraw/deposit is now $1.

- Fixed issues with players being stuck with black screens. The black textdraw used to fade the screen out is now destroyed after it's no longer needed rather than just being hidden, as if a player paused/lagged while it was fading out the order of instructions to fade the textdraw was being changed or completely lost.
- Fixed an issue where a player's name would appear blank in places where messages were shown on first connection.
- Fixed anti-bot/flood system.
- Fixed issue where when the server failed to connect to the database it would not re-try until the server was manually restarted.
- Fixed player weapon skills (/weaponskills) showing values over 100%.
- Possibly fixed an issue with certain achievements in certain
circumstances resulting in players losing score. Added logs to debug
future issues.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2019, 03:32:36 pm by Mike »