Official > Archived announcements

The Great Reset

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To everyone that is complaining about the great reset, understandably I get it you've worked hard for your current stats and they'll be wiped before your own eyes. However this opens a great opportunity for you to explore the server again, there are a shit tonne of achievements that have been added, that many people haven't been able to unlock as it required a server reset.

You achieved your current stats by being a no-lifer playing for multiple hours - You can do that again, and if you are unable to do that it means you've grown up and are doing something better with your life nowadays. If you can't be bothered playing again, that's fair enough. Just keep in mind that everyone will be starting on a level playing field - nobody will get any major advancements.

Staff events will be consistently happening on a regular basis to ensure engagement after the reset stays at an all time high - everything will work out, and before you know it you'll forget the reset happened.


People against reset are same people who are bored 24/7 and 4v1 new players in sultans. Don't get y'alls bitching

I'm merely against it only because I'll have to grind back to lvl 100 with 100% gun skills from square one. lol

Also, the K/D ratio that I halfly respect :(

So version 2.0 IS being released with All the planned features or IS this just a reset because your dev Team feels like the server needs one?

I highly advised @Mike not to reset the score and weapon skills


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