Official > Archived announcements
The Great Reset
@Mike dont reset the score
Dear Mike and team,
please reconsider your decision. I understand your ambition to make the game more balanced. But I think a decision like this is just too radical. By reading the replies, you should now have a quite well picture of people reacting to this. I think many players will leave. Such a drastical decision by resetting all achievements that we all have worked so hard for feels like a BETRAY. You should at least consider to just reset some attributes, but NOT ALL. You could set everyone's wealth to max 2 million, introduce higher wealth taxes or set the max achievable level to for example lvl 999. Just to name a few ideas.
With that said, I appeal to any player on the server to join tommorow at 19th January 8pm (London Time) and to demonstrate against this RESET. We will all be online can meet up but will not play or do any activity. Just standing there. I think this should be a message everbody understands!
Feel free to share this news on the server!
Best regards!
--- Quote from: [TTC]Calzone on January 18, 2024, 05:40:57 pm ---Dear Mike and team,
please reconsider your decision. I understand your ambition to make the game more balanced. But I think a decision like this is just too radical. By reading the replies, you should now have a quite well picture of people reacting to this. I think many players will leave. Such a drastical decision by resetting all achievements that we all have worked so hard for feels like a BETRAY. You should at least consider to just reset some attributes, but NOT ALL. You could set everyone's wealth to max 2 million, introduce higher wealth taxes or set the max achievable level to for example lvl 999. Just to name a few ideas.
With that said, I appeal to any player on the server to join tommorow at 19th January 8pm (London Time) and to demonstrate against this RESET. We will all be online can meet up but will not play or do any activity. Just standing there. I think this should be a message everbody understands!
Feel free to share this news on the server!
Best regards!
--- End quote ---
--- Quote from: [TTC]Calzone on January 18, 2024, 05:40:57 pm ---Dear Mike and team,
please reconsider your decision. I understand your ambition to make the game more balanced. But I think a decision like this is just too radical. By reading the replies, you should now have a quite well picture of people reacting to this. I think many players will leave. Such a drastical decision by resetting all achievements that we all have worked so hard for feels like a BETRAY. You should at least consider to just reset some attributes, but NOT ALL. You could set everyone's wealth to max 2 million, introduce higher wealth taxes or set the max achievable level to for example lvl 999. Just to name a few ideas.
With that said, I appeal to any player on the server to join tommorow at 19th January 8pm (London Time) and to demonstrate against this RESET. We will all be online can meet up but will not play or do any activity. Just standing there. I think this should be a message everbody understands!
Feel free to share this news on the server!
Best regards!
--- End quote ---
you didn't write that
@Mike please dont remove the money and score
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