Version 1.4.2
- You can now view a list of all your personal vehicles to request them. It will also show vehicles which you may have 'lost' by selling a house with vehicles in the garages.
- GPS destination can now be set to any San Andreas zone, such as Ganton, Idlewood, Bayside etc.

- Requesting a job vehicle now has a 10 second delay to match personal vehicle requests.
- Personal/job vehicles now spawn much closer.
- Improved checks to prevent requested vehicles spawning above/below player such as up on bridges or down in parking lots.
- Interaction menu 'Request service' list is now colored to match job colors.
- Interaction menu 'Invitations' option is now greyed-out when not available.
- Players are now frozen when entering a checkpoint that shows a menu in an interior, and said menu is closed if a player manages to leave the checkpoint. This prevents exploits where players could access menus outside interiors by using a controller to walk out of the store keeping the dialog open.
- Removed 'Report a bug' from interaction menu and /bug command now simply states to use the forum. It was being misused and also makes it harder to fix issues as you can't really communicate back and forth with the reporter.

- Fixed desert/country vehicles, vans and lowriders not appearing in vehicle dealership checkpoint menu. They were able to spawn as test drive vehicles but weren't appearing in this menu.
- Fixed daily objective 'Steal all the items from a house' completing if you just stole the safe.
- Fixed requested vehicles spawning inside obstacles at the side of the road. If obstacles are present it will be spawned in the middle of the road.
- Altered the position of a gift in Market, LS which was placed in the middle of the road.
- Fixed high ping warning/kick only checking players' pings every 5 minutes not every 5 seconds as intended. Players with a ping over 500 will be warned every 5 minutes to reduce it while players with a ping over 800 will be immediately kicked (checked every 5 seconds).
- Removed leftover debug message when starting or finishing Securicar/Trashmaster mission which read 'StateChange ignored'.
Revision 1- Fixed an admin-only command being available to all players.
- Fixed personal vehicle request dialog list being cut off after 512 characters, increased to 4096 characters (maximum).
- Fixed legit NPCs being kicked upon connect for 'remote bot attack'.
- Fixed shooting range not allowing players to use it.