Author Topic: Properties 2.0 idea for 1.16.  (Read 248 times)

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Properties 2.0 idea for 1.16.
« on: September 10, 2023, 05:07:10 am »
    MCNR 1.16
Home Improvement:

Categorize the types of houses:
 For example in: Villas, Apartments, Detached Houses, Condominiums, Farms, Caravans, Shacks etc.

And depending on which category your home belongs to, you can have more improvement options.

Some suggestions on options:

- NPC Guard: You can add a maximum of 5 guards who patrol the outside perimeter of the house and based on how much budget you give, you can decide what weapons they will have available and whether they will have armor available.
Taking for example the NPCs of area 51 who have a pre-established route to take.

- Add a mechanic to your garage by paying a weekly fee and you will have the possibility to repair/arm the car, like in any gas station.

- Rent the house/apartment not to players (because no one will ever do it) but rent it to the "server" and receive a fee every day.

- Drug laboratory that produces a daily profit.

- The Nigerian, a simple black NPC who sells you weapons and armor at 10% less than at ammunation.

- The Filipino doctor who treats you/sells medkits.

- A signal jammer, thanks to which if you are wanted and enter the house, the cops will not be able to know where you are, for example if they try the commands /gps /loc /i $mw or $sus they will see Location Hidden written, so they will have to find the home based on your last known location.

Practical example:
A villa can have a maximum of 4 upgrades.
And then decide carefully which ones to choose.
An apartment only 2 upgrade.
Barracks 1
Detached houses 3

And if for example the house doesn't have a certain number of rooms it can't have the doctor or the heckler or the Nigerian.
If he doesn't have a garage he can't have a Filipino mechanic.
It depends on how big it can have a maximum of guards or no guards at all.
If you rent it you cannot take advantage of the updates.
Etc. etc..

This type of update could revolutionize the use of properties and therefore make them perhaps essential for players or even for crews, given that Gang Headquarters will finally make sense.
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Re: Properties 2.0 idea for 1.16.
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2023, 07:13:29 am »
- The Nigerian, a simple black NPC who sells you weapons and armor at 10% less than at ammunation.
- The Filipino doctor who treats you/sells medkits.

I do agree though that properties need more reasons to exist.

- I can't add NPCs like that. Also imagine if every single property had an NPC (or multiple out front) that would be too much for the server. Also you expect me to record paths for them to walk on for _every_ property in the server?? Also I don't think having a guard standing outside a trailer would really be fitting.
- The thought that you have a mechanic is implied already by the fact you can repair vehicles that are in storage.. but maybe this can be spun another way, we'll see.
- Drug lab, sure, one day maybe, but idk how the fuck it would fit in a house, where would it even go etc.
- NPCs that sell you things in your own house just sounds dumb.
- Renting kinda pointless but might spin it somehow.
- Signal jammer idk about that one.

Anyway, rejected due to multiple suggestions in one topic!
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