Author Topic: 1.14.18 R1  (Read 9645 times)

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Offline Mike

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1.14.18 R1
« on: March 14, 2023, 05:59:36 pm »

Version 1.14.18

Just so you know, Welfare, Interest and Wealth Tax are all calculated every 168 minutes played (active play, not just idle). This equates to one game week.

The following changes have been made to these three systems:
- Welfare: Players that have less than $10k total cash will receive a $1k payment. This used to be $500 given to players that have less than $1k.
- Interest: 0.25% interest was previously given on a player's bank balance. It has been increased to 0.75% but only applies to bank accounts with a balance of between $100k and $2m.
- Wealth tax:
   - The threshold for wealth tax to be applied is now $5m. It was previously $10m.
   - Wealth tax was previously calculated based on a player's entire bank balance. It is now only calculated for the amount OVER the wealth tax threshold.
   - The wealth tax rate was previously 2.5% of the player's entire bank balance. It's now 3.5% of the amount OVER the $5m threshold.
   - Before this change, if you had $10m, you'd pay 2.5% of $10m, or $250k. Now it would be 3.5% of $5m, or $175k.
   - Before this change, if you had $50m, you'd pay 2.5% of $50m, or $1.25m. Now it would be 3.5% of $45m, or $1.57m.
- To prevent tax avoidance, players can now only withdraw $100,000 from the bank per 'tax cycle'.
   - It's not even really necessary to withdraw money from the bank, as almost everything can be paid for directly from your bank account.
- All of the above is subject to change based on feedback.

A /tax command has been added which will show the status of the above three systems for your account.
It will show when you can next expect to receive welfare, interest, or wealth tax, and how much it will be.

Helicopter rappelling fixes and improvements:
- When rappelling, you can now hold SPRINT to apply brakes to slow down. Failure to do so might cause you fall damage from landing too fast.
- The helicopter will be forced to stay still while players are rappelling.
- The helicopter no longer has to be almost exactly still to start rappelling.
- Fixed issue where, when rappelling from a helicopter, if the player went below sea level (0 height) they would stop rappelling.
  Generally not an issue except for if rappelling down into Hunter Quarry you'd fall to your death!
- Fixed rope not generating all the way to the ground if started too high.
- If the helicopter dies or is removed, any players rappelling will now end rappelling.
- Pilots can now 'cut the ropes' - e.g. if the helicopter is under attack.

Also new:
- New action logs for medic actions: Heal (self), heal (others), cure (self), cure (others), revive (start), revive (success), revive (fail), revive (cancel).
- When selling fish, the rarity is now shown (this heavily affects price).
- Altimeter can now be set to show in meters instead of feet (/set > MCNR settings > Display).
  - It will also show while in a jetpack.
- 'Building Fire' job event now shows fires left to extinguish.
- Verdant Meadows Airfield is now a purchaseable property with its unique interior.

- You can now rob up to $50k from players (was previously $10k).
  - This should encourage bank account use (no more wealth tax avoidance!) and make holding cash in your wallet a risk again (as it should be).
  - You must crouch while robbing a player to potentially get $50k, otherwise you'll get up to $35k.
- Drive-by shooting is now a 2-star wanted level crime (was 1-star).
- Skater skin level unlocks have been replaced by karate skins.
  - If a player has the karate skin equipped but isn't a high enough level to have unlocked it won't be removed from them.
- When staff clear unoccupied vehicles, trailers attached to occupied vehicles are now excluded from being cleared.
- 'Shooting in Public' (but a drive-by) and 'Drive-by shooting' crimes have a larger detection radius (to match on-foot 'Shooting in Public' crime).
  It's 150m for all guns except silenced pistol which is reduced to 30.
- Minimum/maximum bounty changed from $2k/$50k to $5k/$100k.
- Store robberies, bank robberies, and house robberies have had their payouts increased.
- Fuel price increased by 50%.
- Doubled cash payout for daily objectives (including 50% increase for consecutive days bonus). Also increased score.
- Doubled 'daily login bonus' payout and score.
- When fishing, you can no longer cast the line while an animation is playing.
- Increased fish sell prices, and cash earned from wallet/briefcase/treasure items.
- All fishing system prices are now comma-separated to make easier to read.
- Cuffed suspects can now enter interiors again.
- 'Building Fire' job event now has a larger area around the fire and allows more time to return to the scene of the fire.
- Vehicles acquired via a supply drop can no longer be stored in garages to become a personal vehicle.
- Deposit limits removed from ATM/bank. You can deposit all of your cash at once now.
  - You can enter 'all' in the deposit dialog to deposit all your wallet cash quickly.
- The 'Launch' boat and 'Cargobob' helicopter are now classed as a Military vehicles.
- 1v1 duels now start faster, without so much black screen delay.

- [DISCORD] 'Cop Ratio' in Discord /info command now shows as a percentage, and doesn't break if there's 0 cops.
- Some minor tweaks and fixes to improve the new player experience.
- Fixed Bandito bad refuel checkpoint position.
- Fixed issue where buying a vehicle from another player (/vsell /vbuy) and it was a plane, helicopter, or boat, it would prompt the buyer to select a garage.
  The purchased vehicle would then not show up in the intended Plane/Helicopter/Boat vehicle menus.
  Existing player vehicles have had their storage locations corrected.
- Fixed Daily Login Bonus sometimes not being awarded.
- Fixed 5 score given for cops escorting suspects to jail only being civilian score and not cop XP.
- Fixed 'Crime Scene Investigation' job event prematurely failing due to 'left the area' when chasing the final suspect.
- Fixed Ahab, Virtual and Access tires missing from the list of tires at gas stations.
- Fixed downing/revival still happening in duels even though it was supposedly disabled in a previous update.
- Fixed 'Buy a lotto ticket' daily objective not earned if you're a donator using /lotto to buy a ticket without visiting a store.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

Revision 1
- Fixes a bug where non-staff would see an alert in chat when staff stopped spectating someone.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2023, 09:25:46 am by Mike »