Author Topic: 1.3.3  (Read 12593 times)

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Offline Mike

  • MCNR Founder, Owner, and Primary Developer
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« on: November 04, 2019, 11:35:03 pm »

Version 1.3.3

The MCNR 2019 Halloween event has now concluded. We hope you have enjoyed the first MCNR holiday-themed update and can't wait to share more holiday-themed events with you in the future!

Check out /halloween in-game for some post-event stats and see /candyranks for the candy leaderboard to find out who won the prizes!

- Cop shop weapons are now level-locked just like Ammunation.
- Cop shop armour price is now higher, based on the amount of armour they player already has.
- Cop shop armour can no longer be purchased if the player already has armour over 95%.
- Reviving a player is now done through the player interaction menu (press Y while looking at the player) to avoid conflict if you just wanted to crouch.
- Altered the way vehicle locking works. You can now lock vehicles from 100 meters (increase from 50) and personal vehicles will take priority over last-driven vehicle.
- Animations can no longer be used while falling (abused to avoid death).
- Property owners are now informed about stolen items/safe when they enter their property or approach where the safe should be.
- Cops can no longer steal players' supply drops.
- Most cash amounts that are displayed are now thousand-comma-separated to make them easier to read, for example bank account balance will show as $123,456,789 instead of $123456789.
- Screenshot challenge announcements have been disabled as the event is no longer running.
- All website address instances have had the www. removed as it's not needed.

- All police reception dialogs now have consistent and working 'Back' and 'Close' buttons as reported by Treba.
- Fixed police reception dialog for 'View player crime history' being non-functional.
- Attempted fix at login screen police car NPC not being in their vehicle.
- Fixed cops inability to enter properties with a suspect inside.
- 'Fixed' pressing Y near a taxi hailing said taxi and making the interaction menu inaccessible.
- Fixed bug where if you found a weapon pickup and already had a weapon of that type and were prompted to 'crouch to replace this weapon', this text on your screen would persist indefinitely (until another subtitle is shown) and you could crouch 10 minutes later across the other side of the map and get the weapon. This prompt/action will now go after 5 meters.
- Fixed a bug where when a locked personal vehicle was stolen by another player the owner of the personal vehicle could no longer lock it and would have to hotwire the vehicle even if they had the keys.
- Fixed an issue where a player could repeatedly verify a referral code.
- Fix: Unmarked cop car light can now be toggled independently from siren by pressing N again.
- Fixed bug where collecting a weapon pickup and being shown the prompt to 'crouch to replace' would stay on-screen and crouching at any point, 10 minutes later and 5 miles away, would still collect the weapon. You now have 15 seconds to crouch to replace and it disappear when you move away. It will also now state you found ammo for your current weapon, not found ammo for the replacement weapon.
- Fixed setting for single-wielding weapons after unlocking dual-wielding reverting back to dual-wielding as soon as you shoot someone/something and your weapon skill points increase.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2019, 09:21:30 am by Mike »