Author Topic: 1.0.9  (Read 13031 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: May 03, 2019, 08:11:07 pm »
- /wave targeted at a player no longer works if the player is not nearby.
- Adjustments to anti-cheat flagging system to prevent false positive detection for cheats detected in quick succession.
- Tazer is now holstered when a player enters a vehicle.
- /weaponskill added to redirect to /weaponskills.
- /weaponskills now shows percentage skill level not just poor/gangster/professional.
- 'Attempted murder' crime renamed to 'Assault with a deadly weapon' to better differentiate it from 'Assault' (punch).
Jail sentence/bail status display now uses the same textdraw as the 'mission panel' to be consistent and it looks better.

- Fixed 'Enter the checkpoint to refuel' subtitle text stuck on-screen after refuel cancelled due to vehicle pushed out of gas station area.
- Fixed players in jail being able to 'Press Y to interact with prisoners' and break other prisoners out as if they were outside the cell.
- Fixed issue with changing account name to blank name being possible.
- Fixed issue when changing account name to a passworded account, the case sensitivity of the name wasn't enforced. For example if you changed your name to 'Mike' but you put 'MIKE' your name would appear as MIKE in-game but 'Mike' on the account still. It will use the case of the existing account that is being overwritten.
- Fixed 'Press CROUCH to pick up weapon and replace existing' detecting any key not just crouch.
- Fixed 'bullets taken' stat being increased for attacker not victim.
- Fixed jailed status/time/bail not being immediately saved to account upon jailing.
- Added more measures to prevent interior fall-down especially when jailed.
- Players that break players out of jail are now committing a crime.
- Fixed issue where new players weren't being given starter cash ($500).
« Last Edit: May 05, 2019, 11:27:01 pm by Mike »

Offline Uncle Mega

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Re: Current Version - 1.0.9
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2019, 10:39:49 pm »
Nice work Mike!
The server is slowly getting populated!