Author Topic: Known issues, common issues, unfixable issues, non-issues  (Read 2560 times)

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Known issues, common issues, unfixable issues, non-issues
« on: April 11, 2021, 10:12:39 pm »
Issues known to the development team that cannot or will not be fixed will be listed here. Also non-issues.

Vehicles disappearing into thin air after touching water (including seasparrow and skimmer)
In GTA/SA-MP logic, when a vehicle touches water it 'dies'. Although, if you can get the vehicle out of the water again (sometimes you can just reverse back out) it will still be drivable. However, on MCNR specifically, the vehicle would disapppear after 10 seconds. There is a good reason for this - to prevent desync. You'll notice that on MCNR you can destroy vehicle when there's no players inside them. Unfortunately, there is an issue in SA-MP where by if a vehicle gets blown up when no player has entered it yet, it will not 'die' properly and instead of respawning after a few seconds it will just disappear forever until it's forcibly respawned. To prevent this issue on MCNR (cars not respawning after being blown up), I had to make it so if a vehicle 'dies' it gets forcibly respawned after 10 seconds (unless GTA/SA-MP beats the script to it).

This means if your vehicle goes into water slightly, and then you reverse it back out and start driving it, the script actually thought the vehicle died (there is no way to tell if it was caused by an explosion or by water) and will respawn the vehicle after 10 seconds.

Unfortunately this issue also affects the Skimmer and Seasparrow. If you land too hard on the water, the vehicle will go underwater a tiny bit and this issue will occur. You'll know if this happens because your engine will stop for a moment and may even require manual restarting.

Can't use front-facing drive-by on bikes
This is an intentional feature to balance the combat as it is not balanced for a bike to be able to shoot a car they are following with the car having absolutely no defense.

Shooting range targets missing/stuck
There is an issue that has plagued the server since day 1, and that is when the Ammunation shooting range targets either don't appear at all, only semi-appear, or get stuck even after shooting them all. I have tried countless times to fix this, and it's certainly less common than it used to be however still occurs from time to time.

If this happens to you, simply type /refreshtarget and it should respawn the targets for you and fix the problem.

Crashing inside LSPD interior
There has been an issue from day 1 whereby players often crash inside the LSPD interior. Either while fighting/shooting, or while paused. I have never been able to find the cause. It's recommended to leave the LSPD interior as soon as you can and not hang around inside there, and not to pause while in jail.

Train on tram tracks at Cranberry Station
This is a GTA/SA-MP bug and it cannot easily be fixed if at all.

I believe the cause to be the tram tracks being loaded before the train tracks, and the NPC train warps to the closest track at the time. Once the train leaves the station and after a certain distance the train will warp back onto the train tracks.

Unfortunately this means travelling from Cranberry Station while this bug is active is not possible, as you'll be 'leaving the station' if you attempt to board the train.

Low FPS at Blueberry Acres
Most players will see a noticeable drop in FPS/frame rate around Blueberry Acres, which is located at the center of the map. This is a known SA-MP issue caused when the script removes default buildings/objects from the map. The more objects that are removed, the laggier it gets around Blueberry. It has something to do with the fact that the center of the map's coordinates are 0.0, 0.0, 0.0. Perhaps when a building is removed by SA-MP the game teleports the object to 0, 0, 0 and makes it invisible? There's no way to know. There is no way to fix this.

Player on fire isn't extinguished when entering water
If a player is on fire and jumps into water, the fire doesn't get put out. It will go out after a few seconds as if you were standing on land.

This is a GTA issue which cannot be fix.

Slow swimming speed, inability to take off in Skimmer, difficulty toggling vehicle sirens etc.
GTA: SA is designed to run at 25 or 30 FPS. A lot of game mechanics such as those described above rely on a low FPS to work correctly. The higher your FPS, the more things will break. It is recommended to run the game at no higher than 60 FPS, or 90 FPS at a stretch. There is an enforced limit if 130 FPS in-game due to the fact that very high FPS can even give you advantages over other players.

In order to swim quickly, take off in a Skimmer, easily toggle sirens etc. you can temporarily limit your FPS to 25 or 30 using /fpslimit in-game. You'll need to turn the frame limiter setting on in the GTA settings.

Audio plugin won't connect: Multiple players on same IP
The audio plugin only supports connecting to one player per IP address. If two players are using the same IP, the audio plugin will only connect to the first player, and the second player will be unable to use it.

Can't enter trams
Trams cannot be entered. This is intended. They are unstoppable.

Can't enter AT-400 (jumbo jet)
You must be level with the door's height to enter. Use stairs or a tall vehicle. This cannot be 'fixed'.

Can't enter Shamal (private jet) as passenger
This is by GTA design. One day it may be scripted so you can enter, but there are no plans to do this at this moment.

Race checkpoints with arrows in scattered around the map, nothing happens when you enter them
Another issue that has plagued me since day 1. They are the police 'crime response' checkpoints, created at a criminal's position when they commit a crime. The arrow points to their current location and updates periodically. Only cops should see these. If you see one as a civilinan please use /cpfix1 as a temporary fix, and they will disappear.

Neons or other light sources on vehicle disappear when on a slope/bank
Especially noticable with neons, when a vehicle is on a slope or bank the light sources of attached objects disappear:

This is a bug in GTA: San Andreas and cannot be fixed.

Game crashes (Exception At Address: 0x0071A708) when opening pause menu map (while GPS route active)
If a GPS route is active and showing the yellow circles along the calculated route on the map, and you open the pause menu map with the icon legend enabled, the game will crash.
This is a GTA/SAMP issue that cannot be fixed. You must disable the map legend.

In order to disable the map legend:
1. Join the server.
2. Once you have spawned, ensure you have no GPS route active (/gps clear).
3. Open the pause menu map.
4. Press L to toggle the icon legend off.
5. VoilĂ . Fixed.

Police radio can be heard (audio plugin bug)
The audio plugin is capable of setting players' radio stations in vehicles. Unfortunately, it's not possible to set a player's radio station to 'off' in a way that lets them turn it back on. Setting it to 'off' actually forces the police radio scanner 'station' to be used, which cannot be changed by the player.

This issue happens when the server disables your radio then tries to reenable it, but you had the radio 'off'.

There is no fix for this. The audio plugin will likely never be updated again.

Unable to toggle vehicle siren
If you find yourself unable to toggle a vehicle's siren on/off and it just either beeps or chirps the siren for a moment, it's likely caused by high FPS.
GTA SA was designed to run at 25 fps. The higher your frame rate, the more things start acting weird.
You can use /fpslimit to limit your FPS (even if it's temporary to toggle your siren). You'll need to have the Frame Limiter on in your game settings.
I've personally found the siren toggle to become a bit unreliable above 30 fps and almost impossible to toggle above 60fps.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2023, 01:28:00 pm by Mike »
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