Version 1.2.3
- Idlewood gas station now has barriers to prevent kamikazee bombings.
- An existing MCNR easter egg has been expanded upon. You'll have to find it out for yourself!
- Added anti-cheat detection for weapon slide bug. It will remove your weapon. Existing C-bug detection will also now remove your weapon.
- Type /MOTD to re-show the Message of the Day.
- Login screen (Vinewood sign) now has an NPC because why not.
- Login screen will now warn the player 1 minute before they get kicked for failing to login.
- Login screen dialog now welcomes the player back to MCNR.
- Registration dialog now informs players that passwords cannot be reset.
- Tazer has laser!
- When a fishing line is cast, you can now see it splash into the water with a sound effect.
- Added a new idle animation. Go see it for yourself.
- When a store holdup is failed, the reason for the failure is now shown in chat.
New quick strings:
$cop - Closest cop
$medic - Closest medic
$fire - Closest firefighter
$mech - Closest mechanic
$prosti - Closest prostitute
$taxi - Closest taxi driver
$ticket - Closest ticketable (yellow) suspect
$sus - Closest suspect (yellow/orange/red)
$mostwanted $mw - Closest most wanted suspect (red)
$susv - Closest suspect's vehicle
$susgun - Closest suspect's weapon
$susdir - Closest suspect's direction (N/S/E/W)
$susspeed - Closest suspect's speed
Pre-formatted quick-strings:
$chase - Type $chase to get a full 'in pursuit with suspect x driving a y heading towards z at x MPH' for example. Nearest suspect is used.
- Added a transaction log for when a player's cash goes down on their game but not on the server and so the server reflects this. This is generally due to pay 'n' spray, vehicle modshops and casino betting as these things have the cash handled by the client not the server until this can be added server-side.
- Redesigned 'you won the lottery' on-screen text.
- When a player wins the lottery they are now advised to go and bank their money before they get robbed.
- High ping kicked reduced from 1000 to 900.
- Cash transaction history dialog now displays 'Older/newer transactions' rather than 'Next/previous page'.
- When a player goes on duty as a taxi, the message to all players explaining to use /taxi to request a taxi has been expanded to include the ability to call for a taxi via payphones.
- The Boombox feature has been disabled (removed from 24/7 stores) until the audio plugin is fixed. The 'You do not have the audio plugin' popup now explains that the audio plugin is not currently working.
- The new anti-flood/spam will now affect PMs, whispers and shouts.
- Fixed a bug where if a player disconnected while using the chainsaw, the next player to join with the same player ID would 'reload' a chainsaw (that they may not even have) every few seconds.
- Fixed city change audio music.
- Fixed transaction history showing WALLET/BANK 'new balance' incorrectly. Would show total wallet + bank cash, not just the one that was affected.
- Fixed noun prefix for NRG/FCR vehicle (said 'a NRG' or 'a FCR' when it should say 'an NRG' and 'an FCR').
- Cash transaction history for when a player finds a collectable item are now more descriptive, e.g. 'Found Oyster' rather than just 'Found collectable'.
- Fixed 'Welcome to Mike's Cops and Robbers' floating text in introduction tutorial disappearing as the camera pans backwards.
- Fixed some issues with the login system where a player could login with a guest name (e.g. guest0) or their underscored pre-login name (e.g. _Mike) or be able to login as a player that was already logged in on the server.
- Fixed a potential issue where a laggy player could end up losing money from a transaction as their client took too long to sync a change in cash.
- The Area 69 keypad to gain access to the labs will now regenerate itself after being shot to prevent it from disappearing.
- Satchel charges can no longer be used inside interiors just like grenades and moltovs.
- Fixed a bug where if a static vehicle (vehicles randomly placed around the map) respawns, it would not change model and spawn again.
- Tazer is now holstered when a player starts a mission or when a player's weapons are reset.
- Tazer can no longer be equipped in shooting range, which would allow a player to use any weapon in the shooting range after holstering it again.
- Fixed NPCs having player accounts created for them sometimes.
- Fixed two bugs which could inadvertently destroy a dealership test drive vehicle.
- Fixed vehicle fuel drastically reducing when entering and exiting a mod shop, due to the distance between the exterior and interior in the game world.
- Fixed a bug where if a cop responded to a 'cop tail' event and happened to already be at the destination checkpoint, the mission would start before the NPC had connected. Entering this checkpoint before the NPC has connected will now show an error message.
- Fixed players that die in SFPD and LVPD respawning at their opposite respective hospitals.
- Fixed a bug that could cause vehicles to wrongly be destroyed when they respawn after city change as some variable values carry over from the vehicles with the same IDs in the previous city.
Thank you to beta testers and staff for testing things, reporting issues and helping me out. Thank you to everyone that plays MCNR for your continued support.
Revision 1
- Fixed false detection of slide-bug.