Mike's Cops and Robbers

Official => Updates and Changelogs => Topic started by: Mike on May 09, 2021, 07:56:00 pm

Title: 1.10.4
Post by: Mike on May 09, 2021, 07:56:00 pm
Version 1.10.4

Improvements to fighting styles:
- All fighting styles can be learned at all 3 gyms.
- The 'Elbow' fighting style has been re-added.
- You can now change your fighting style anywhere either via '/settings > Game setting > Gameplay' or with /fightstyle.
  - You must have learned the style first.
- Added an achievement to learn all fighting styles.
- All players' fighting styles will be reset as a result of these changes.

- CJ's garage in Doherty has had a visual makeover to look less run-down!
- Added 'Wasted' text on-screen upon death and 'Busted' upon arrest.
- Multi-mention! You can now mention as many people as you can in a chat message.
- Added $me and $self quick-strings to input your own name/ID.

- The medic daily objective 'Cure 3 players' has been removed and the 'Heal 10 players' objective changed to 'Heal or cure 10 players'.
- Slight increase to Desert Eagle damage at medium range.
- Rain is now less common, especially in LV. Most common in SF.

- Fixed personal vehicles being recalled when 'respawning' after skin change, going on/off duty etc.
- General Store and Bait Shop interiors now have always-created floors to prevent falling.
- Implemented measures to lessen the liklehood of players falling through general store, gas station and bait shop interior floors.
  - If players DO manage to fall or get stuck, they should get automatically ejected from the interior.
- Fixed SFPD interior being visible from outside world if you fly high and your game has long drawdistance.
- Fixed inaccessible refuelling markers for kart, dump, and combine harvester.
- Fixed mechanic sometimes not being able to provide a service that the player selected (generally plate change).
- Separate spawnpoints added for personal Skimmer spawns as it cannot take off from land.
- Fixed being unable to purchase aircraft with a free vehicle credit if you didn't have the funds for a cash purchase.
- Prevented use of anims/items during treasure hunt clue pickup (e.g. medkit usage).
- Fixed players having ability to use animations/services etc. in water if they jump first.
- Cops no longer get free armour when changing skin.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!
Title: Re: Current version: 1.10.14
Post by: RedX on May 09, 2021, 08:08:28 pm
gj Mike.

- Rain is now less common, especially in LV. Most common in SF.

Title: Re: Current version: 1.10.4
Post by: i8.msthy01 on May 09, 2021, 09:33:28 pm
Nice your updated master