Mike's Cops and Robbers
Official => Updates and Changelogs => Topic started by: Mike on August 19, 2019, 07:09:58 pm
You can now add your MCNR username to your forum profile:
1. Click 'Profile' at the top of any page.
2. Select 'Forum profile' on the left.
3. Fill in the bottom field 'MCNR name'.
This will appear in your forum profile and below your avatar in posts.
EDIT: You can now add your Discord username and crew in the same way.
You can now add your Discord username (e.g. MP2#2020) to your forum profile in the same way.
You can now add your country name/flag to your profile:
1. Click 'Profile' at the top of any page
2. Select 'Forum profile' on the left
3. Select your country from the drop-down menu (start typing it once drop-down is open to quickly find it)
It will then display in your profile and beside your posts:
You can hover over a flag to see the country name.
Users can no longer remove their own topics.
You can now show which crew you belong to in the same way as you can show your MCNR and Discord names. See the first post for a guide.
Fixed skin ID 51 showing as Mechanic in signature generator (Mechanic skin is 50, not 51).
You can now mention other members on the forum, just like on Discord. Simply type @ followed by their name, it will even auto-fill as you type.
@M3E6 what do you think of this new feature? :)
Members will be notified by e-mail (can be disabled in your profile/account settings) and it will also show up under your 'Profile' tab at the top.
The forum role badges have been updated as they looked dreadful.
(Left is old, right is new):
Fixed member links showing as purple instead of white in topic list, which was confusing as that's the member name for admins.