Mike's Cops and Robbers
Official => Updates and Changelogs => Topic started by: Mike on August 07, 2019, 10:12:52 pm
- Typing /infractions will now show help regarding the infraction system. From there you can select 'view' to view your infractions.
- Added /policerules and /coprules to re-direct to existing /prules and /crules.
- Chat death message ([KILL] x killed y with z) is now color-coded to show player name colors at the time they died to help identify DMing etc.
- /rules, /dm and /coprules all updates to clarify rules surrounding who cops can and cannot attack. In short, cops should not attack suspects unless the suspect is an immediate threat.
- Players that are banned are now shown as leaving with 'banned' reason rather than 'kicked'.
- Banned players that try to join the server no longer show 'x has left the server (kicked)' - it is a silent kick. There was already no join message.
- Ticker message at bottom of screen every 15 minutes now shows for a shorter time, and certain words are now emphasised with color.
- /stats now shows a list of three options - View global server stats, view your stats, and a new 'View another player's stats'. /pstats [name/id] existed previously to do this but it was not easy to know.
- Trains are now working again.
- Fixed PM history (/pms) showing wrong player ID/name of sender.
- Fixed 'x found the mafia money bag' and 'x found the treasure' global annoucement messages having blank player names displayed.
- Fixed broken 'Press Y to interact with prisoners' prompt when the city was not LS.
- Fixed black background box behind player level up bar sometimes being destroyed.