Mike's Cops and Robbers

Official => Updates and Changelogs => Topic started by: Mike on January 23, 2020, 05:28:10 pm

Title: 1.4.5
Post by: Mike on January 23, 2020, 05:28:10 pm
Version 1.4.5

- Added desync detection to lessen anti-cheat false positives. Check /synced to see if you are synced or not. Relog to fix sync issues.

- Rollerskater skins are now unlocked at a later level. The unlock levels have been swapped with Denise (CJ girlfriend) and the baseball cap GSF member.
- Weapon damage values have been tweaked slightly. Most weapons will see decreased damage. Some tweaking has also been done to the 'range' of some weapons. Drive-by damage has been halfed (25 percent, was 50 percent).
- 'You are banned' dialog now shows full duration e.g. '6 months' rather than '6mo'.
- If a player ends the Securicar mission while holding the briefcase, dropping the briefcase, said player can no longer pick up said briefcase as a civilian for easy cash.
- Removed Mechanic 'refuel' option from service list as it is not added yet.
- Mechanic 'Change plate' service is now available even if the vehicle is not stolen.
- Vehicles will no longer despawn if they contain stolen house robbery items, if a player is entering the vehicle, if a player is looking at the vehicle or if a player is nearby (50 meters).
- Players that attack a medic/firefighter now become wanted level 2 (orange) not wanted level 1 (yellow). This allows the victim to defend themselves.

- Fixed skin 92 (female rollerskater) being unlocked twice at two separate levels. The other level will now unlock the Hillbilly skin (shirtless with weird shaped head/teeth). This was not a locked skin before. Anyone who already has this skin will not lose it.
- Bank robbery bag will now be confiscated from players when they are cuffed/arrested.
- Fixed an issue with vehicle Dealerships which may cause the player to spawn outside the test drive vehicle while the test drive was still active. The test drive would fail seconds later for 'damaging the vehicle' and the player would be charged.
- Added some measures to help prevent pickup IDs being conflicted, which may be causing weapon drops to not be able to be collected and show a keypad interface in the bottom-right corner.
- Combine harvester death now processed as a 'kill' by the driver, not just a suicide.
- Fixed issue with cops that are cuffing suspects running while performing the cuffing animation.
- Fixed issue where if a player was refuelling a vehicle and said vehicle was destroyed or moved the refuelling animation/sound/text would persist.
- Fixed GPS destination waypoint icon not having priority over other nearby icons.
- Fixed an issue in the menu system which could cause a menu to re-appear after death or closure.
- [5th Jan] Fixed an issue in the Sweeper mission in Bayside whereby some of the trash could not be collected.
- Fixed 'You are banned' dialog speech sound FX being cut off by 'dialog click'.
- Fixed issues which could cause the stolen items inside a property to not return after a vehicle containing the stolen items is destroyed.
- Slightly increased the maximum strafe speed of the M4 with poor skill to avoid false slide bug detections. Added debug info when slide bug detected to further investigate false detections in the future.
- Increased thresholds for automatic player re-sync to try and reduce number of false desync detections. Added debug info when desync detected to further investigate false detections in the future.
- Fixed an issue where if the Securicar mission player ended the mission while holding the briefcase the briefcase would be dropped but the Securicar mission would be over. The briefcase will no longer be dropped if the mission ends.
- Fixed an issue where weapon drop pickups could fall through the floor in interiors.
- Fixed an issue where weapon drop labels would only appear in virtual world 0 (outside).
- Fixed payphone stolen vehicle mission not rewarding cash/score to players.
- Fixed false anti-cheat 'vehicle fly hack' detection when using a motorbike on skate park ramps to quickly acsend vertically into the air.
- Possible fix (hard to replicate and confirm) for issue where players would somehow have their skin saved as 'skin -1' resulting in them being stuck on spawn selection.

Revision 1
Disabled desynced kick as it was kicking everyone.
Title: Re: Current Version - 1.4.5
Post by: Treba on January 23, 2020, 09:39:20 pm
Nice update

you said you were leaving like 2 weeks ago
Title: Re: Current Version - 1.4.5
Post by: DeltaNeo on January 24, 2020, 05:09:20 am
Finally, you fixed the payphone missions.
Title: Re: Current Version - 1.4.5
Post by: Mike on January 24, 2020, 07:49:16 am
Finally, you fixed the payphone missions.
Nobody reported the issue for like 8 months :/
Title: Re: Current Version - 1.4.5
Post by: Riley on January 24, 2020, 02:09:15 pm
Good work, Mike