Mike's Cops and Robbers

Official => Updates and Changelogs => Topic started by: Mike on August 20, 2023, 07:14:29 pm

Title: 1.15.4
Post by: Mike on August 20, 2023, 07:14:29 pm
Version 1.15.4

- Added new basic chat anti-spam for duplicate messages within 10 seconds.
- Added a crackable safe inside Madd Dogg's mansion. Requires the takings to be taken to a hideout.
- Added a /setting to customise the behaviour of /rpv.
  - It can either prioritise returning the primary vehicle, the secondary vehicle, or prompt you to choose every time (or only when there's two active).
- Confirming age (18+) for gambling is now saved to player accounts and therefore won't show each session.

- Pausing during a duel will now forfeit the duel.
- Pending messages (messages received while offline, e.g. property sales while offline) will no longer be spammed into chat upon first spawn.
    Instead, players will be periodically notified that they have unread messages and can use /inbox to view them in a dialog.
- Vehicle garage prices have been standardised based on location/capacity and in most cases have been increased.
  - Single garage: $5,000
  - Low capacity/bad location: $8,000
  - Standard capacity/adequate location: $12,000
  - High capacity/good location: $15,000
- Property service (insurance/maid) payment messages are now combined into a single message for all properties, instead of one message each.
- Increased campfire health regeneration rate (+1hp every 2 seconds, was previously +1hp every 5 seconds).
- Bullet damage against players in vehicles with armour increase to 0.75x (was 0.5x).
- Vehicle armour will now give vehicles 1500hp rather than 2000hp.
  - Personal vehicles that already had over 1500hp will not have it removed but once it's gone it's gone.
  - Some vehicles that spawn with increased hp have had their default health decreased (e.g. Patriot now spawns with 2000hp instead of 2500hp).
- Removed Sniper/Country Rifle 'reload' animation.
- Increased payout for casino safe robbery.
- Cops can now recover stolen bank robbery cash bags from the outer part of the bank vault.
- Bank account withdrawal limit per financial period increased from $100k to $500k, however only up to $100,000 per transaction at ATMs.

Surfing speed changes
Changes have been made to the speeds at which players can 'surf' on vehicles.
Speeds depend on the vehicle type and the actions of the surfer.

This list is ordered by the speed required to fall, from slowest to fastest:
Standing on regular vehicles60
Crouching on regular vehicles80
Standing on a pickup truck80
Crouching on a pickup truck100
Standing on a plane80
Crouching on a plane100
Standing on boat80
Crouching on boatINFINITE

These values are subject to change in future updates based on player feedback and review.

- House robbery 'Cash found in stolen safes $0' message no longer shows if no safes were stolen.
- Fixed stripper tip (make it rain) prompt appearing for stage dancers in Alhambra club.
- Fixed trucking special cargo breaking after it was completed for the first time.
- Fixed /lean animation not looping.
- Discord usernames now show as the new format (if the user has set a new @username) without #0 at the end.
- Fixed mission action logs for various types of damage (it only seemed to really log bullet/explosion damage).
- Fixed /playdead animation not working (said 'performed an animation recently').
- Fixed an issue where players could teleport to a modshop interior on foot and get stuck there.
- Fixed player weapon loadouts sometimes being lost after staff events.
- Fixed players being unable to pick up bank robbery bags until the door was fully open.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

Revision 1
- Internal bugfixes
- Sniper/Country Rifle false rapidfire triggers fixed
Title: Re: Current Version: 1.15.4
Post by: Arpa on August 20, 2023, 08:38:05 pm
Good work!
Title: Re: Current Version: 1.15.4
Post by: basedSkeleton on August 20, 2023, 08:41:02 pm
Glad to see sniper reload gone!
Title: Re: Current Version: 1.15.4
Post by: father. on August 20, 2023, 09:01:17 pm
For this update I'll give you a quick rub and tuck if you ever need it  ;)
Title: Re: Current Version: 1.15.4
Post by: PlopZero on August 20, 2023, 09:44:55 pm
Title: Re: Current Version: 1.15.4
Post by: Prepushil on August 20, 2023, 09:47:47 pm
Title: Re: Current Version: 1.15.4
Post by: Andualem653 on August 20, 2023, 09:57:45 pm
Umm isn't this supposed to be locked?
Title: Re: Current Version: 1.15.4
Post by: Eris. on August 20, 2023, 10:06:33 pm
Good update, always tought 2000hp for a car was too much...
Title: Re: Current Version: 1.15.4
Post by: Mike on August 20, 2023, 10:08:02 pm
Umm isn't this supposed to be locked?
I never lock the latest changelog, to allow for any feedback etc.
People just have never replied...
Title: Re: Current Version: 1.15.4
Post by: puuro on August 20, 2023, 10:08:59 pm
this update is definetly a step in the right direction. using the sniper is actually fun now instead of being a super niche weapon. car armor nerf is a good thing aswell
Title: Re: Current Version: 1.15.4
Post by: Mido on August 20, 2023, 10:15:59 pm
Great! Keep it up
Title: Re: Current Version: 1.15.4
Post by: Bode on August 20, 2023, 10:27:22 pm
Finally sniper animation remove , Nice update mike
Title: Re: Current Version: 1.15.4
Post by: KSKSKSS on August 21, 2023, 04:41:45 am
- Removed Sniper/Country Rifle 'reload' animation.



rip 2019 and 2020 practice of sniper lol

Standing on a plane   80
Crouching on a plane   100

This should be nerfed.
Title: Re: Current Version: 1.15.4
Post by: basedSkeleton on August 21, 2023, 05:44:34 pm
This should be nerfed.
Surfing on a plane is fun though.
Title: Re: Current Version: 1.15.4
Post by: Andualem653 on September 14, 2023, 11:43:36 am
Version 1.15.4

Surfing speed changes
Changes have been made to the speeds at which players can 'surf' on vehicles.
Speeds depend on the vehicle type and the actions of the surfer.

This list is ordered by the speed required to fall, from slowest to fastest:
Standing on regular vehicles60
Crouching on regular vehicles80
Standing on a pickup truck80
Crouching on a pickup truck100
Standing on a plane80
Crouching on a plane100
Standing on boat80
Crouching on boatINFINITE
Does animations like /lay, /playdead make a difference?
Title: Re: Current Version: 1.15.4
Post by: Mike on September 14, 2023, 12:06:07 pm
Does animations like /lay, /playdead make a difference?
No, it will be as if you're standing.

I should totally add this though, please submit a suggestion in the suggestions section.
Title: Re: Current Version: 1.15.4
Post by: FugiTive. on September 16, 2023, 10:46:41 am
Noice Update,Buy the HP for cars(1500) is kinda too expensive and cops got it for free,the pd cars are always armoured etc.
Anyways Good JOB.