Mike's Cops and Robbers

Official => Updates and Changelogs => Topic started by: Mike on July 01, 2023, 04:35:52 pm

Title: 1.15.2
Post by: Mike on July 01, 2023, 04:35:52 pm
Version 1.15.2

- Added action logs for property sale/purchase.

- Video Poker winning multipliers drastically reduced (was ridiculous, you could potentially get $1bn if you got really lucky).

- Fixed players being able to bypass daily gambling limit by turning their hud off (yes, really).
- Fixed player cash transactions (spending) not being logged if hud was disabled (yes, really).

Casino games are now all available once more.
Daily gambling limit reduced from $250k to $100k.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update! Huge thanks as always to the beta testers and admins which help keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

Revision 1
- Fixed bug with bank deposits not going through. It would take money from the wallet but not add it to the bank.
  - Any affected players should contact staff for a refund.