Mike's Cops and Robbers

Official => Updates and Changelogs => Topic started by: Mike on October 30, 2019, 07:07:50 pm

Title: 1.3.2
Post by: Mike on October 30, 2019, 07:07:50 pm
- Police officer weapon loadout is now saved separately. When you go off duty as a cop you get your civilian weapon loadout back and vice-versa. You cannot use your civilian weapons when you go on duty as a cop and vice-versa. When you join and spawn as a cop, please don't report your weapons as missing. All existing player loadouts are deemed to be the 'civilian loadout'. No cop loadouts are currently saved.
- Added a parachute to the top of the Santa Maria beach lighthouse so you can get back down.

- All traces of the army job/faction have been removed and the Hydra, Hunter and Rhino are no longer available. Rustler and Seasparrow will be available for rank 10 cops. Hydra/Hunter/Rhino spawn points replaced with Rustler/Seasparrows.

- Fixed cycling drive-by weapons arming players with a sniper or country rifle if they had one and them getting stuck unable to cycle more weapons or exit drive-by.
- Added a fix for a GTA bug where exiting a transfender modshop at Wang Cars or Come-a-Lot in a Rancher resulted in the player's vehicle becoming stuck inside the building. The vehicle will now re-appear outside.
- Fixed 'last location' not saving if you were near (but not inside) a vehicle modshop as the server though you were inside.
- Fixed rare bug where player's camera would be floating in the air and moving between different positions. Caused by a timer not being killed if a player quit during the strip club lapdance.
Title: Re: Current Version - 1.3.2
Post by: Mike on October 30, 2019, 08:03:55 pm
1.3.2 Revision 1
- Fixes an issue where using Pay 'n' Spray would cause the vehicle to disappear. Caused by change in 1.3.2 regarding 'last location not saving' (see past changelog).
- Adds a hotdog stand vendor outside LSPD for MD045's new map.