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Only you can prevent account scams.
Only you can prevent account scams.
Please do not share your password with anyone, not even with the staff team or server owner. Your password is encrypted in MCNR so no one can see what is your actual password. Encrypted password example: ALJEDD107344ALHDWH131084LAJD134. If you play in multiple different sa-mp servers then try to use different password for other servers. There are servers out there who does not encrypt players password. They can steal your password and use it to scam your account on MCNR. MCNR staff team will never ask you for your password. Do not click on any suspicious links it can lead you to phishing website where if you enter your password same as MCNR then they can scam your account.
Do not try to sell donator stats, in game item or properties for real money. People can scam you. It is your fault for falling for something like that. Please use in game feature for buying/selling in game item or properties.
Good information
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