Off Topic > PAWN Scripting

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--- Quote from: MysteriX_ on February 09, 2021, 04:05:37 pm ---ban evade?

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I did get banned but only for a week, I got bored, so now I want to learn how to pawn, so i can become a god and get revenge on the admin that banned me. (not rlly) :P

unfortunately you're at the wrong place to learn how to script on pawn, which I don't think mike uses, it's just c++ which can be learnt through youtube.


--- Quote from: YellowFlash on February 12, 2021, 07:28:53 pm ---unfortunately you're at the wrong place to learn how to script on pawn, which I don't think mike uses, it's just c++ which can be learnt through youtube.

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Thanks Mister Sir Dude Sir. Salut!

I am about to reply to this thread weeks ago but got distracted.

Pawn is written in C++ so there are many things similar to Pawn and C++ so if you know C++ you basically know Pawn and vice versa just read function and callbacks use.

There's some tutorial on youtube but it's not accurate enough to know Pawn language.

Don't confuse Pawn and Pawno I see many people saying "My scripting language is Pawno" and yes Pawn is a scripting language Pawno is an editor/IDE.

The link I posted above is from open-mp since SA-MP is taken down that link is an alternative way to view the documentary of SA-MP functions, callbacks, and code snippets have fun reading the documentary.

If you're gonna ask for a recommendation about what IDE/Editor is accurate to use This is a thread created by me of how to use SAMPCTL from VS CODE AND SUBLIME

SAMPCTL is a package manager you can see an explanation of why and how to use SAMPCTL in that thread


--- Quote from: XomoX on March 06, 2021, 11:01:10 am ---I am about to reply to this thread weeks ago but got distracted.

Pawn is written in C++ so there are many things similar to Pawn and C++ so if you know C++ you basically know Pawn and vice versa just read function and callbacks use.

There's some tutorial on youtube but it's not accurate enough to know Pawn language.

Don't confuse Pawn and Pawno I see many people saying "My scripting language is Pawno" and yes Pawn is a scripting language Pawno is an editor/IDE.

The link I posted above is from open-mp since SA-MP is taken down that link is an alternative way to view the documentary of SA-MP functions, callbacks, and code snippets have fun reading the documentary.

If you're gonna ask for a recommendation about what IDE/Editor is accurate to use This is a thread created by me of how to use SAMPCTL from VS CODE AND SUBLIME

SAMPCTL is a package manager you can see an explanation of why and how to use SAMPCTL in that thread

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Pawn is not ‘written in C++...’. It’s also very dissimilar to C++.


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